Laascaanood needs intervention!

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It's not Marjeerteen it's Dhulbhante themsleves those who are anti SL are the ones assassinating figures in that community that work in SL's institutions or civil societies like the man that was assassinated couple of days ago was a high ranking member of the main opposition party Waddani branch in Sool region.

View attachment 247262
Ruunta sheeg ama iska amuus


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Things are escalating, troops are coming from Buuhoodle, and reports that SL army get out of Tukaraq and heading to Laascaanood.
Darbi Darood aka Leelkase are also heading to Laascaanood, I hope Beesha MX join too, Idoor dabadhiibte thought we would leave our cousins alone. Guul!


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
A Dhulo officer killed them and also why did they go out when the security of the city wasn't safe?
Majority of dhulbahante hate lgbt state samosa 😅🤣😅 viva khatuumo state there land is bigger than moriyan state galnusmudug


Why the dislike for harti up north?. Everytime a bomb goes off in xamar, they parade their streets in hargesia.

Dhulbante stood by you during the bombing in october, while isaaq and their stained teeth mocked you.

:wow:clueless idiots.
@InaShaqalle probably half Isaaq tbh. He has a liking to SL.

AUN to all the innocent civilians in the middle of all this. It’s very confusing who’s doing what given how allegiances are so split and fluid.


If you’re a stone thrower. Burning buildings. Destroying cars. You are putting citizens lives at a risk. Don’t cry if you get arrested. Or worse like getting shot and killed. All we’ve seen is small criminal elements here and there. Most whom are lllegals from Somalia.
All this calcal from landers. Deep down they are anxious that they won't get ictiraf from Harti. Dhulbahanta just has to get its sh!t together.
Lmao man with brain of peanuts let me tell you even if ciilqabe community in Eastern Sool leave we're still going to be functioning independent nation and it will be a matter of time for your nonexistent paper state to recognize it :yousmart:
Lmao man with brain of peanuts let me tell you even if ciilqabe community in Eastern Sool leave we're still going to be functioning independent nation and it will be a matter of time for your nonexistent paper state to recognize it :yousmart:
Lmao good we don't want you in Sol or Sanaag. Secede by your selves just leave Harti alone.
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