Live bulletsProtests breakout as Many people are dissatisfied with SL

Live bulletsProtests breakout as Many people are dissatisfied with SL
At least several dozens were killed. SL wants to kill double the amount of assassinations that happened in the city from 2006-2022Live bullets
dHuLOsWhat can the dhulo's do??? seems they are in a limbo
Go and worry about arsenalWhat can Dhulos do for Gedo I wonder
I know surely their elders would advise sl gov to cease the killingsdHuLOs
It’s SL army who is doing the killing
Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud is ready to sell the whole countryHassan Sheikh accepts SSC as part of Somaliland
nothing. what can ilkayayars do for dhulo? also nothing.What can Dhulos do for Gedo I wonder
Says the laangaab doqon that hides behind the Kenyan musclesnothing. what can ilkayayars do for dhulo? also nothing.
waa labo laangaabnimadu ku midoobay.
Even Sayidka didnt feel safe with the treacherous Ogaden who served Menelik and betrayed our nation, history repeats itself with Madoobe and co. Its no wonder Sayidka drew his soldiers from his rer abti the noble Dhulbahante who defeated Britainnothing. what can ilkayayars do for dhulo? also nothing.
waa labo laangaabnimadu ku midoobay.
The Dhulbahante community needs a leader, and who better to lead them than me. Just like mohamed abdullah hassan, i live amongst the dhulbahante, as they are my reer abti. In addition to that fact Me and Sayid Mohammed hold similar views, such as our distrust and general hatred of iidoors. I will also punish the dhulbahante communities fifth column, certain sub clans who are allied with the s land.Dhulbahante have hit rock bottom , and to get out of this mess they need to confront what's ailing them which is disunity . They need to elect one supreme leader who isn't afraid of killing the enemy within (those who work for Somaliland) once that's taken care off, It's easy to order Somaliland out