Laascaanood needs intervention!

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Ina lilaahi I wonder how the SL apologists will spin this now. Alle u maqan Reer Sool I feel so sad:kendrickcry:

There are many in Las Anoud who were ignoring the fact that Punland was the best that exists, even if it was not at the level of ambitions. Since its founding in 1998 , it's a short time to judge its political and economic system.
We told them in our meetings before its occupation in 2007 that they should not be in a hurry and hand over their free city to their historical enemy in return for a little cheap money.
No one will come and die for you if you hand it over. They strangely ignored all the historical facts and reality. They didn't even want to speak in front of us.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
nothing. what can ilkayayars do for dhulo? also nothing.
waa labo laangaabnimadu ku midoobay.
Even Sayidka didnt feel safe with the treacherous Ogaden who served Menelik and betrayed our nation, history repeats itself with Madoobe and co. Its no wonder Sayidka drew his soldiers from his rer abti the noble Dhulbahante who defeated Britain
Dhulbahante have hit rock bottom , and to get out of this mess they need to confront what's ailing them which is disunity . They need to elect one supreme leader who isn't afraid of killing the enemy within (those who work for Somaliland) once that's taken care off, It's easy to order Somaliland out

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
Dhulbahante have hit rock bottom , and to get out of this mess they need to confront what's ailing them which is disunity . They need to elect one supreme leader who isn't afraid of killing the enemy within (those who work for Somaliland) once that's taken care off, It's easy to order Somaliland out
The Dhulbahante community needs a leader, and who better to lead them than me. Just like mohamed abdullah hassan, i live amongst the dhulbahante, as they are my reer abti. In addition to that fact Me and Sayid Mohammed hold similar views, such as our distrust and general hatred of iidoors. I will also punish the dhulbahante communities fifth column, certain sub clans who are allied with the s land.
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