Lack of Somali male role models in high paying professional careers in the UK


Veni Vidi Vici
Networking does you wonders. Go to Conferences. Meetings. Many there. Your local adeer in the cafe shop could end up being a high earner engineer.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
They tends to hang out with each other.

You'll have to find one group then hope they let you in...

Who do you think trust people Somali the least?

Somali people

Maybe try other minority groups? You'll at least get a far bigger group of people to network with
Whats up my brothers and sisters, I hope you're all good. I am a 20 year old Law student at Uni. I'm just posting this out of curiosity and a bit of frustration. I know the Somali diaspora is (general speaking) young. By that I mean we're just getting settled in western countries and a large percentage of us are still first generation immigrants. But despite that, why the f*ck is it so hard to find male role models in well paying professional careers. I don't know about Scandinavia and the US but here in the UK it feels like something is missing. What do you guys think, I'm i being harsh or does anyone else share the same views as me?
I honestly feel bad for UK Somalis you guys get a bad rap. Canada and America have a lot of messed up Somali men but they also have successfully smart Somali men.
There’s a certain group of Somalis that move to the UK who have Superiority complex, a bigger superiority complex than other Somalis. And generally people with superiority complex don’t strive to make themselves better or self improve.