Ladies are you forced to your hijab by your family?

Are you forced to wear the hijab by ur family?

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Intellectual saqajaan
You do realize evolution is just a theory? It has not been proven at all. Scientists have biases and agenda's just like us regular folks, you can't take everything as Gospel.
Besides, up until recently humans have always believed in some sort of creator. It is in our nature to believe and search for truth.
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. A theory in the scientific sense doesn't mean 'guess' or 'hunch'. There is no dispute about evolution. In fact Islamic preachers have now realized they have no choice and are trying to fit it into Islam some how.

Humans have believed in some sort of creator and were making one up as time went by. This is not evidence that god must exist. Have you studied evolution? It's a pretty simple and logical process. Over millennia, species develop different features (mutations) and the ones that are suited for survival pass on their genes. For example there are people born with birth defects. If things changed on earth and these birth defects became useful for survival, that person would pass on their genes and become dominant in the gene pool. Super weird analogy but I'm trying to convey a point.


Intellectual saqajaan
So what they say doesn't matter? If they answer the way you want, they're telling the truth, and if they don't they're brainwashed? lmao get a life. You're the one here belittling us. You take your L and go. And if you're too ignorant and stubborn to care about the answer to a question, don't bother asking it. Keep your delusional BS to yourself its gotten old.
I know why they are saying what they are saying. In other words, they are biased and speaking from their perspective. I'm not belittling you; I'm just giving context for why you are saying this. Right now, would you become a Christian nun? Why not because nuns tell me it's the best thing in the world.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Yes gullible. It's not their fault and I've nothing against them. It's just not an accurate reflection of what a non-brainwashed, rational person would do. If you've never heard of the hijab at age 20, you wouldn't voluntarily start wearing it.
You are not only questioning our ability to choose, you’re questioning our intelligence in a way as well.

I for one wear full time hijab with trousers and it's my choice. I can take it off tomorrow if I like and I did it before and wore hijab on and off.


Intellectual saqajaan
You are not only questioning our ability to choose, you’re questioning our intelligence in a way as well.

I for one wear full time hijab with trousers and it's my choice. I can take it off tomorrow if I like and I did it before and wore hijab on and off.
Yes it is your choice. But if you were raised Christian, or Hindu or in any other religion, you'd say the same about those religions. I'm giving context and perspective. This is not to say you're being forced or are too dumb to realize things. Once you internalize something at an early age, it's hard to let go of. I'm saying there's no logic or reason behind it. It's a habit.
Some Muslims believe that covering the hair is mandatory which is the reason some Muslim women like Somalis cover up. I just wanna let them know the truth and also many of them are brainwashed.


I've seen a compelling and logical argument put forth by Koran only Muslims, who claim that the headcover/hijab is not mandatory because the Koran clearly states that women should cover their bossums/chest because there were thousands of pagan women who roamed around Mecca bare-chested. The hair and chest covering was practiced by the wealthier pagans and historically, the niqaab was practiced by the well off Greeks and the Persians to distinguish their woman from the masses. Their argument centres on modest dressing. Hair covering is only mentioned in Hadiths.
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I know why they are saying what they are saying. In other words, they are biased and speaking from their perspective. I'm not belittling you; I'm just giving context for why you are saying this. Right now, would you become a Christian nun? Why not because nuns tell me it's the best thing in the world.


You can say that about anything/everyone. So you're not going to take anyones word for anything? You just say things for the sake of it. Everyones biased, everyones sees things from their own perspective. You're still wrong here.


Intellectual saqajaan

You can say that about anything/everyone. So you're not going to take anyones word for anything? You just say things for the sake of it. Everyones biased, everyones sees things from their own perspective. You're still wrong here.
I'm saying there is no logical reason to wear the hijab and that someone who's never heard of it won't start wearing it.
I'm saying there is no logical reason to wear the hijab and that someone who's never heard of it won't start wearing it.

You can say that about any item of clothing such as pants. Are you going to argue we are all brainwashed and oppressed and don't know whats best for us bc we wear pants?

:bell: You need a new hobby.
You do realize evolution is just a theory? It has not been proven at all. Scientists have biases and agenda's just like us regular folks, you can't take everything as Gospel.
Besides, up until recently humans have always believed in some sort of creator. It is in our nature to believe and search for truth.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Evolution is endorsed by scientifically literate Muslim scholars. Look up the evolution thread for the fatwas.


Intellectual saqajaan
You can say that about any item of clothing such as pants. Are you going to argue we are all brainwashed and oppressed and don't know whats best for us bc we wear pants?

:bell: You need a new hobby.
We wear pants to cover our privates so people aren't disgusted/think we're about to rape them. Why do you wear the hijab?

I've seen a compelling and logical argument put forth by Koran only Muslims, who claim that the headcover/hijab is not mandatory because the Koran clearly states that women should cover their bossums/chest because there were thousands of pagan women who roamed around Mecca bare-chested. The hair and chest covering was practiced by the wealthier pagans and historically, the niqaab was practiced by the well off Greeks and the Persians to distinguish their woman from the masses. There r arguments centres on modest dressing. Hair covering is only mentioned in Hadiths.
It's not just Quranists who question the hijab. Scholars like Khalid Abu Fadl argue the hijab is not waajib.
We wear pants to cover our privates so people aren't disgusted/think we're about to rape them. Why do you wear the hijab?


Our ancestors didn't wear pants but they covered up, so no, that doesn't answer the question. My point is that argument can be made about any item of clothing.

Why don't you find something better to complain about, its a piece of cloth. I understand those who are speaking about their own preferences, who prefer traditional dress, etc. But don't pretend to speak for other people, and learn to accept reality.

Our ancestors didn't wear pants but they covered up, so no, that doesn't answer the question. My point is that argument can be made about any item of clothing.

Why don't you find something better to complain about, its a piece of cloth. I understand those who are speaking about their own preferences, who prefer traditional dress, etc. But don't pretend to speak for other people, and learn to accept reality.
Just a cloth? No darling, my handkerchief is just a cloth. What these s are wearing is a bedsheet.


Intellectual saqajaan

Our ancestors didn't wear pants but they covered up, so no, that doesn't answer the question. My point is that argument can be made about any item of clothing.

Why don't you find something better to complain about, its a piece of cloth. I understand those who are speaking about their own preferences, who prefer traditional dress, etc. But don't pretend to speak for other people, and learn to accept reality.
Our ancestors covered up? What are you talkbout? Which ancestors? Homo erectus didn't cover up. If our ancestors did cover up, they cover up for the same reason we cover up. Now, why do you wear a hijab? Jesus! It's not so hard.
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