Lady doing tahriib drowned off the coast of Mallorca, Spain

Why we have so many women doing tahriib is beyond me, men back home are the lowest of the low with 0 providing capabilities.

AUN Xafso


Garaad Awal

Former African
Seen a few walanweyns in Morocco who arrived by plane to simply do Tahriib. It seems it gaining ground among Somalians to use this route. AUN to the woman and May Allah forgive her sins and accept in Jannah.
Why we have so many women doing tahriib is beyond me, men back home are the lowest of the low with 0 providing capabilities.

AUN Xafso


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Why we have so many women doing tahriib is beyond me, men back home are the lowest of the low with 0 providing capabilities.

AUN Xafso

AUN to the girl.

Women should not do tahriib at all. Not even men, but for us, we can withstand the cruelty of it more. The journey takes a toll mentally and physically. Add on the extortion, abuse and in the case of women, sexual abuse, its a horrific combination that no woman should be subjected to.

We must also blame diaspora people who sponsor these girls to come here. There a far safer ways to come to the west if its a must.
AUN to the girl.

Women should not do tahriib at all. Not even men, but for us, we can withstand the cruelty of it more. The journey takes a toll mentally and physically. Add on the extortion, abuse and in the case of women, sexual abuse, its a horrific combination that no woman should be subjected to.

We must also blame diaspora people who sponsor these girls to come here. There a far safer ways to come to the west if its a must.
If we were a truly intelligent people and not retards perhaps we would have systematically taken advantage of the legal opportunities to come here by bringing as many Somalis of all backgrounds so we could send more money back home or rebuild but alas…


Plotting world domination
Why we have so many women doing tahriib is beyond me, men back home are the lowest of the low with 0 providing capabilities.

AUN Xafso

Somalia doesn't seem like a country worth living in. I would have tahribed if I was born there.
Somalia doesn't seem like a country worth living in. I would have tahribed if I was born there.

Just look at the misery and malnutrition here. Somalis even look different in appearance from pre colonialism or early colonialism era. One of the saddest things you will watch.

