Why are there so many cadcads?
theyre like 40% of Somalispot.
theyre like 40% of Somalispot.

What should I call my self if one of my granddad is pure African blood? Bantu, Xabash, Madow? these are all the same , the point means black people, this include Somalians.
Why are you being emotional abti? Sida is u dhaan.The first faux pas was in calling ethnic Somalis - Somalians. A common error made by ajnabis or those with poor grammar. Your second error was lump summing Africans together. You have no cushitic blood bro. And your average Somali is closer genetically to a xabashi than you, you come from a zanj maternal line, like your Arab cousins, not from us. Thing is we don't claim other Africans, even our closest relatives the Oromo. Why? Because we don't like their acquiescent attitudes. It's not enough to look similar to us, if you don't have pride don't consider yourself a cushite, or a Somali for that matter. You don't have to worry since you're an ethnic minority with a .5 designation. But be proud of whatever you are mate. You might be hairy and shorter/stunted compared to your average Somali but that's no excuse to act like a naag with effeminate hand gestures kkkkkk.
The first faux pas was in calling ethnic Somalis - Somalians. A common error made by ajnabis or those with poor grammar. Your second error was lump summing Africans together. You have no cushitic blood bro. And your average Somali is closer genetically to a xabashi than you, you come from a zanj maternal line, like your Arab cousins, not from us. Thing is we don't claim other Africans, even our closest relatives the Oromo. Why? Because we don't like their acquiescent attitudes. It's not enough to look similar to us, if you don't have pride don't consider yourself a cushite, or a Somali for that matter. You don't have to worry since you're an ethnic minority with a .5 designation. But be proud of whatever you are mate. You might be hairy and shorter/stunted compared to your average Somali but that's no excuse to act like a naag with effeminate hand gestures kkkkkk.
Yes I am and? Who said from you , and who is YOU to know where I am originated from? At the same line you answered it yourself here thanks.you come from a zanj maternal line, like your Arab cousins, not from us.
But be proud of whatever you are mate
Whats 0.5 ? Diesel or Petrol?You don't have to worry since you're an ethnic minority with a .5
Tell me what are you smoking bro? since you consider attitude is by color or tribe then you not serious are you?.Because we don't like their acquiescent attitudes
He's stoned Meenza, LOL EID MUBAAAAARAK BRO.Why are you being emotional abti? Sida is u dhaan.![]()
Kkkkkkkk Eid Mubarak adeer.He's stoned Meenza, LOL EID MUBAAAAARAK BRO.
Wariyaa tartiib sxb. First of all , Eid Mubarak.
Yes I am and? Who said from you , and who is YOU to know where I am originated from? At the same line you answered it yourself here thanks.
Whats 0.5 ? Diesel or Petrol?
Tell me what are you smoking bro? since you consider attitude is by color or tribe then you not serious are you?.
To be honest I feel its a waste of time to keep this thread with bullshit like this, so go to sleep and stop smoking whatever that shit is bro.
Thanks but still why you hate Madows? lol ?Barwanis their wealth stolen by some Somali tribes. Their girls been rapped in front of their parents, their houses taken by forces and they flee the country and you guys humiliating here.
We know they settled down there around 1750 and I know they confused their origin still but now they are part of Somali community. iska dhaafa. Chill guys.
I only don't like Madows.
-I'm basing my estimates on genetics bruv. I don't know what you are so drop your 23andme info here.
-Then take advantage of it now get your black gold before it runs out, nothings stopping you.
-Somalis like other Africans don't join hands based on skin color, it's arbitrary to us perhaps you as an outsider are unaware of that. Somalis are ideologically divided and have a hard time seeing sameness between two ethnic Somalis from different qabils (just look on this forum) let alone different ethnicities (i.e Oromo). There is one thing I do know. Somalis do not like weak-minded (doqon) people, they scorn and scuff them. Hence, why Oromo are looked down on, but to a lesser extent than the Bantu. Might is right in their eyes.
-I don't indulge in illicit drugs. I'm just stating it how it is.
Eid Mubarak
Supremacy is a terminal disease, most weak minded people that we Somalians hate wont understand. Seexo wariyaa.
They don't belong to Somali, they belong to Tanzania and they :fugly as hell. On the other hand: "They practice non Islamic stuff witchcraft which is forbidden". We don't need them.Thanks but still why you hate Madows? lol ?
My ancestors were taught to view all as potential threats. It's the reason why Oromos and Bantu have not expanded into our land. Passiveness gets you killed. Look at the pygmies in the Congo, they were nearly wiped out, same goes for most of the Southern Cushites in Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Kenya and the San of South Africa. In Africa weaker groups were absorbed or killed by other groups. If you aren't hostile you do not survive.
It's the reason why Oromos and Bantu have not expanded into our land
You are the Oromos and Bantus but you dont know it, lol
You aren't Somali mate. And we don't share DNA with your kind. Then again you are a bit to daft to comprehend genetics. This Somali being Bantu admix narrative would suit you because Arabs had a fetish for the Zanj women, which is why they account for the African DNA found in modern Peninsula Arabs. Sorry to disappoint you but the average Somali has no West/Central African genetic flow which is a proxy for Bantu. Bantus since their arrival from West Africa spread to Central Africa and subjugated the indigenous Pygmies and assimilated them. They moved Eastward and learned animal husbandry from Southern Cushites and Nilosaharans which lived all around East Africa, and they assimilated these groups. Now these people like the Massai and Iraqw (Southern Cushites) are minorities in their own land.The Bantu expansion never crossed into modern day Somalia or Ethiopia. That means Oromos, Habeshis and Somalis have no Bantu DNA. It was actually your people with your Bantu fetish that worked with Tanzanian, Mozambique and Zanzibar chiefs, to acquire free labour from Bantus. The average Somali had nothing to do with them being in Southern Somalia. And even then they were largely discriminated against and unmarried by Somalis. Oromos are a heterogeneous group unlike Somalis. They are a confederation of Cushitic and Semetic speaking people which they assimilated. They also have Omotic DNA which is absent from Somalis. It appears you are still using Ancestry DNA which only samples Kikyu Kenyan's as an accurate measure of East African. Lmao. Kikyu are African mutts with West-Central African, Nilosharan and Cushitic DNA. And Ancestry DNA has no indigenous "East Africans" as a reference group. 23andMe is considered more reputable.
Who says I am. I hardly see anyone want to be Somali.You aren't Somali mate.
Who says I am. I hardly see anyone want to be Somali.
Are you begging someone to claim to be Somali? I will never and I dont want to so please save your self time and dont confuse your self by making this thread as someone is claiming to be somalis, NO WE ARE NOT, WE ARE Southern east African group who happened to be in the New Somali map that was made by the whites. WE ARE THE COASTERS OF EAST AFRICA NATIVES, WE ARE NOT ETHNIC SOMALIS AND WE DONT WANT TO BE. stop calling me a Somali please.
You seems to be a total ignmotant and dont know what is written here.
Bantu didnt come from west africa you moron, West Africa are not Bantu, What is bantu according to your definition. I knew it its a waste of time to reply to you anyway.
thats scientifically incorrect.Cadcads are ethnic Somalis.
thats scientifically incorrect.