Internet Nomad
Some facts to put in perspective.
Africa's entire population is 1.5 billion
Somalis number 21 million.
Meaning somalis make up 1.4% of the entire african population.
The size of Africa is 30,300,000km
Entire of land inhabitated by somalis is roughly 1,116,083km
Meaning somalis make up roughly 3.8% of the entire land mass without madagascar being included 3.7% with madagascar being included.
So somalis did pretty good for themselves considering we are only 1.4% of the continent yet we inhabit ~4% of the continent.
To think we owed more once historically or during the colonial age if the brits didnt stop up we wouldve owned more is bonkers.
Africa's entire population is 1.5 billion
Somalis number 21 million.
Meaning somalis make up 1.4% of the entire african population.
The size of Africa is 30,300,000km
Entire of land inhabitated by somalis is roughly 1,116,083km
Meaning somalis make up roughly 3.8% of the entire land mass without madagascar being included 3.7% with madagascar being included.
So somalis did pretty good for themselves considering we are only 1.4% of the continent yet we inhabit ~4% of the continent.
To think we owed more once historically or during the colonial age if the brits didnt stop up we wouldve owned more is bonkers.