Land and Population Somalis own compared to the continent.

Internet Nomad

Some facts to put in perspective.

Africa's entire population is 1.5 billion
Somalis number 21 million.

Meaning somalis make up 1.4% of the entire african population.

The size of Africa is 30,300,000km
Entire of land inhabitated by somalis is roughly 1,116,083km

Meaning somalis make up roughly 3.8% of the entire land mass without madagascar being included 3.7% with madagascar being included.

So somalis did pretty good for themselves considering we are only 1.4% of the continent yet we inhabit ~4% of the continent.

To think we owed more once historically or during the colonial age if the brits didnt stop up we wouldve owned more is bonkers.


Most Africans can’t survive on somali territory. It’s harsh nomadic living. Most Africans survive of subsistence farming which ain’t possible for large chunk of country
Egyot has the strongest military in Africa despite it's habitable land being roughly the same size as South Korea. Land mass doesn't mean all that much especially when most of it is infertile like in Somalia
Egyot has the strongest military in Africa despite it's habitable land being roughly the same size as South Korea. Land mass doesn't mean all that much especially when most of it is infertile like in Somalia
Egypt get billions in military aid from America every year to suppress their own people. Despite this, they had a hell of a hard time with ISIS.

Internet Nomad

Egyot has the strongest military in Africa despite it's habitable land being roughly the same size as South Korea. Land mass doesn't mean all that much especially when most of it is infertile like in Somalia
With correct management i believe much of the land can be fixed. If we stopped overgrazing and burning/chopping trees for charcoal and instead planted trees and shrubs much of the countryside would return to a nice savanah type enviroment. Instead of the arid land scapes we know.

Most Africans can’t survive on somali territory. It’s harsh nomadic living. Most Africans survive of subsistence farming which ain’t possible for large chunk of country
Anyone can survive in Somalia, people adapt to the areas they settle into. That's what our ancestors did as well.

Somalia is actually blessed geographically speaking they are either settled agro-pastoralists , coastal seamen, or mobile pastoralists and the land can produce enough surplus food to sustain town/city populations and for export.

It's wasn't particularly a harsh living historically tbh if managed and sustained well, I go through it in this thread

Other Africans had it rough because of the lack of pastures for grazing, draft animals and testy flies that prevented it and thick jungles made it hard for them to produce surplus crops and made them isolated from eachother into seperate tribes confined to pockets of small locations.
Aside from thick jungle forests It also has tetsy fly, like it's really a bad drawback. Not only is it bad for draft animals(work animals) like cows/cattles, donkeys, camels or horses, but also agriculture as a result.

The tsetse-vectored trypanosomiases affect various vertebrate species including humans, antelopes, bovine cattle, camels, horses, sheep, goats, and pigs.


I mean why would Somalis expand into into the fertile plains of Awash, the shabelle zones, mountains/highlands and Juba-tana. But not go further south ? The answer is pretty obvious when you look at this.
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Some facts to put in perspective.

Africa's entire population is 1.5 billion
Somalis number 21 million.

Meaning somalis make up 1.4% of the entire african population.

The size of Africa is 30,300,000km
Entire of land inhabitated by somalis is roughly 1,116,083km

Meaning somalis make up roughly 3.8% of the entire land mass without madagascar being included 3.7% with madagascar being included.

So somalis did pretty good for themselves considering we are only 1.4% of the continent yet we inhabit ~4% of the continent.

To think we owed more once historically or during the colonial age if the brits didnt stop up we wouldve owned more is bonkers.

You know what makes this so interesting is that when our ancestors spread out to cover much of the land around the time they adopted the camel and the humped cattle it resulted in creation of long distance caravan trade networks that connected locations.
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Anyone can survive in Somalia, people adapt to the areas they settle into. That's what our ancestors did as well.

Somalia is actually blessed geographically speaking they are either settled agro-pastoralists , coastal seamen, or mobile pastoralists and the land can produce enough surplus food to sustain town/city populations and for export.

It's wasn't particularly a harsh living historically tbh if managed and sustained well, I go through it in this thread

Other Africans had it rough because of the lack of pastures for grazing, draft animals and testy flies that prevented it and thick jungles made it hard for them to produce surplus crops and made them isolated from eachother into seperate tribes confined to pockets of small locations.
Difference between surviving and thriving. Somali population was capped because of environment
Difference between surviving and thriving. Somali population was capped because of environment
View attachment 352921

Most of Somalia's population was thriving in different periods of history just from the land itself, it really just comes down to land management and use.

I also think that map misrepresent Somalia which i covered in this post: Outside of the coastal sand dunes, most of the country is just covered with vegetation and woodland throughout it this is what sustained a large livestock population.
The purple coloured areas in the Somali peninsula are called the Somali acaci–commiphora bushlands and thickets. It's an ecoregion mostly made up of semi-arid tropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands.

So it is rich in woodlands and vegetation throughout.


Kismayo is a perfect example because it was originally a coastal fishing village inhabited by Garre-Tunni-Bajun that was transformed into a trading port founded by Harti-Majerteen traders in the 19th century and it's connected to the production of the fertile Waamo region i Juba Hose



Even the label ''Arid'' and ''Semi-arid'' to describe Somalia's climate i have come to find is an oversimplification and hides the true complexity of the climate. The more i researched it.

Average rainfall is a useless metric in monsoon climates where it all falls down in short time-frames and the climate goes through seasonal variations related to the direction of the prevailing winds.



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Internet Nomad

Anyone can survive in Somalia, people adapt to the areas they settle into. That's what our ancestors did as well.

Somalia is actually blessed geographically speaking they are either settled agro-pastoralists , coastal seamen, or mobile pastoralists and the land can produce enough surplus food to sustain town/city populations and for export.

It's wasn't particularly a harsh living historically tbh if managed and sustained well, I go through it in this thread

Other Africans had it rough because of the lack of pastures for grazing, draft animals and testy flies that prevented it and thick jungles made it hard for them to produce surplus crops and made them isolated from eachother into seperate tribes confined to pockets of small locations.
Some facts to put in perspective.

Africa's entire population is 1.5 billion
Somalis number 21 million.

Meaning somalis make up 1.4% of the entire african population.

The size of Africa is 30,300,000km
Entire of land inhabitated by somalis is roughly 1,116,083km

Meaning somalis make up roughly 3.8% of the entire land mass without madagascar being included 3.7% with madagascar being included.

So somalis did pretty good for themselves considering we are only 1.4% of the continent yet we inhabit ~4% of the continent.

To think we owed more once historically or during the colonial age if the brits didnt stop up we wouldve owned more is bonkers.
There’s like 33 million Somalis around the world
Why didn't our ancestors push for more land, especially for green farming lands?

They actually did push into all the fertile areas but they didn't go further south because of the tetsy flies and geographical limitations

I explained it in the same post that i linked before:
Aside from thick jungle forests It also has tetsy fly, like it's really a bad drawback. Not only is it bad for draft animals(work animals) like cows/cattles, donkeys, camels or horses, but also agriculture as a result.


I mean why would Somalis expand into into the fertile plains of Awash, the shabelle zones, fertile mountains/uplands and Juba-tana rivers. But not go further south ? The answer is pretty obvious when you look at this.
When they expanded to areas of southern portion of East Africa like the Swahili coast what prevented them from expanding into the interior was the geography of thick forests, mountains, rift valley and tetsy fly etc . If you notice Islam is concentrated on the coast unlike the interior the way it's spread out amongst Somalis, geography has to facilitate conquest and expansion.