Samaalic Era
There two figures with this name and Cush is the ancestor of Habesha people, but not Somalis,Afars and Saho people
Hebrew Bible[edit]
A page from Elia Levita's 16th century Yiddish–Hebrew–Latin–German dictionary contains a list of nations, including the word "כושי" Cushite or Cushi, translated to Latin as "Aethiops" and into German as "Mor".
According to Genesis, Cush's other sons were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtechah.
The Book of Numbers 12:1 describes Moses as having married "a Cushite woman".
The rhetorical question "Can the Cushite change his skin?" in Jeremiah 13:23 implies brown skin color; also, the Septuagint uniformly translates Cush as Αἰθιοπία "Aithiopia."
Another person named Cush in the Hebrew Bible is a Benjamite who is mentioned only in Psalm 7, and is believed to be a follower of Saul.
no it doesnt its just a nameKushi means ****** in Hebrew
intresting the majority of the cushties including the semetic speaking cushties live in ethiopia
example somalis afars oromos sidamos sahos all live in ethiopia aswell as the semetic speaking habesha cushties
so thats what it means when it makes a references to Ethiopia
Ancient Somalis migrated south from the levant until they finally settled in Galbeed region over a 1000s of years of steady migration
yeah we all come from the middle eastAncient Somalis migrated south from the levant until they finally settled in Galbeed region over a 1000s of years of steady migration
Cushitic people migrated from North Africa, not from the Levant.Ancient Somalis migrated south from the levant until they finally settled in Galbeed region over a 1000s of years of steady migration
Cushitic people migrated from North Africa, not from the Levant.
thats right dont forget noahs grandson cush from whom we descended formSomalis are descendants of Nuh pbuh who did not live in North Africa but the Levant. Somalis then moved into North Africa and then migrated South the Galbeed region
Somalis didn't exist at that time sxb. We don't know when Nuh(as) lived so we can't claim these things.Somalis are descendants of Nuh pbuh who did not live in North Africa but the Levant. Somalis then moved into North Africa and then migrated South the Galbeed region
Was it a steady migration? So we lived in Ethiopia and Sudan region the longest? We became Cushites for over 20kya, so where did we live the longest? Do any of you have suugo-science theory on this? Because I always believed we made a fast migration to Ethiopia, and then steadily moved to the Somali region.Ancient Somalis migrated south from the levant until they finally settled in Galbeed region over a 1000s of years of steady migration
we most likely lived in the nile the longest lots of agriculture food and water population boom then we moved on to Ethiopia and Somalia soon afterWas it a steady migration? So we lived in Ethiopia and Sudan region the longest? We became Cushites for over 20kya, so where did we live the longest? Do any of you have suugo-science theory on this? Because I always believed we made a fast migration to Ethiopia, and then steadily moved to the Somali region.
The ancestors of the Cushitic migrated from the Levant and mixed with the Ancestral East Africans/proto-Nilotics somewhere in the northern region, and became the Cushitic. So you are right, we are not from the Levant, but south of Egypt/Northern Sudan.Cushitic people migrated from North Africa, not from the Levant.
whats important is that where indigenous cushtiic SomalisThe ancestors of the Cushitic migrated from the Levant and mixed with the Ancestral East Africans/proto-Nilotics somewhere in the northern region, and became the Cushitic. So you are right, we are not from the Levant, but south of Egypt/Northern Sudan.
Somalis didn't exist at that time sxb. We don't know when Nuh(as) lived so we can't claim these things.
When you say ancestors of cushitic people do you mean the ones with HG E?The ancestors of the Cushitic migrated from the Levant and mixed with the Ancestral East Africans/proto-Nilotics somewhere in the northern region, and became the Cushitic. So you are right, we are not from the Levant, but south of Egypt/Northern Sudan.
Sxb we don't even know what 1 century was to them. We also don't know the time Ibrahim(as) lived.We can know when Nuh pbuh lived through a hadith. The Prophet pbuh said between Nuh and Ibrahim is 10 Generations. By knowing when Ibrahim pbuh lived, we can know when Nuh pbuh lived.
The period between Adam and Nooh (peace be upon them both): it was narrated from Abu Umaamah that a man said: “O Messenger of Allaah, was Adam a Prophet?” He said, “Yes, and Allaah spoke to him.” The man asked, “How much (time) was there between him and Nooh?” He said, “Ten centuries.” Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, 14/69; and by al-Haakim, 2/262. He said it is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, and al-Dhahabi agreed with him. Ibn Katheer said in al-Bidaayah wa’l-Nihaayah (1/94): this is (saheeh) according to the conditions of Muslim, even though he did not narrate it.
4 – The period between Nooh and Ibraaheem (peace be upon them both): our evidence is in the continuation of the hadeeth of Abu Umaamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) quoted above: … He said, “And how long was there between Nooh and Ibraaheem?” He said, “Ten centuries.” (Narrated by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak, 2/288. He said: this hadeeth is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, although he did not narrate it. And it was narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer, 8/118.
Was it a steady migration? So we lived in Ethiopia and Sudan region the longest? We became Cushites for over 20kya, so where did we live the longest? Do any of you have suugo-science theory on this? Because I always believed we made a fast migration to Ethiopia, and then steadily moved to the Somali region.
In the age before Ibrahim pbuh, a century wad 1000 years. So basically 20,000 years from Adam to Ibrahim pbuhSxb we don't even know what 1 century was to them. We also don't know the time Ibrahim(as) lived.
How do you know this?In the age before Ibrahim pbuh, a century wad 1000 years. So basically 20,000 years from Adam to Ibrahim pbuh