Landers make Ilhan omar go viral again


Bantu Liberation Movement
The Isaaqs like @pinkyandthebrain have been feeding right wing racists for years. They are very jealous of Ilhan. Isaaqs have yet to procuce any significant diaspora politicians and this drives them crazy.

Their fake news operation will have an impact on them since they all inhabit the damp island of Britain where they are a visible low income, crime prone community. They are a common feature on the Britain First feed. There's a resurgence of the right wing there for the first time in 50 years.
The Isaaqs like @pinkyandthebrain have been feeding right wing racists for years. They are very jealous of Ilhan. Isaaqs have yet to procuce any significant diaspora politicians and this drives them crazy.

Their fake news operation will have an impact on them since they all inhabit the damp island of Britain where they are a visible low income, crime prone community. They are a common feature on the Britain First feed. There's a resurgence of the right wing there for the first time in 50 years.
I never feeded any misinformation? and there is nothing to be jealous of ilhan, she's literally one of the most hated woman in America. she hasn't benefited Somalis or anyone other than herself. I even feel sorry for reer monnesota for having to put up with her and making innocent somalis live in danger when all she can do is shut up and resign.
The Isaaqs like @pinkyandthebrain have been feeding right wing racists for years. They are very jealous of Ilhan. Isaaqs have yet to procuce any significant diaspora politicians and this drives them crazy.

Their fake news operation will have an impact on them since they all inhabit the damp island of Britain where they are a visible low income, crime prone community. They are a common feature on the Britain First feed. There's a resurgence of the right wing there for the first time in 50 years.
there are many people from the north who have achived things. In the uk, its mainly northerners who have made somalis known.
Illhan has done well for herself mashallah.

The problem we have is stupid qabilists. Midnimo what we want to achieve but you cant if your playing into the hands of twitter freaks.


Bantu Liberation Movement
there are many people from the north who have achived things. In the uk, its mainly northerners who have made somalis known.
Illhan has done well for herself mashallah.

The problem we have is stupid qabilists. Midnimo what we want to achieve but you cant if your playing into the hands of twitter freaks.
The thing is, it's not going to have an impact on her. The Isaaq have been doing this since she was in state congress in 2017 and she has persevered. It's the hooyo walking down the street with her stroller that is in danger.

Who are these stupid qabilists? What other group doctors videos or fake text and sends it to right wingers. This is a wholly Isaaq operation. Somalis need to stop lying to themselves and start calling things as they are, then you can find a solution.
The thing is, it's not going to have an impact on her. The Isaaq have been doing this since she was in state congress in 2017 and she has persevered. It's the hooyo walking down the street with her stroller that is in danger.

Who are these stupid qabilists? What other group doctors videos or fake text and sends it to right wingers. This is a wholly Isaaq operation. Somalis need to stop lying to themselves and start calling things as they are, then you can find a solution.
how do we find a solution if both sides are playing the same game? Its reciporical. Everyday theres anti somalia anti SL rehtoric. Theres also a 3 clan dynamic. Everyone is at each others throats, Everyone chimps out. Its not helping that ilhan or SL folks say the most retarded shit on earth, you would chimp out if a white guy in somalia came to your land and said this is a white man's promlem or a bunch of white people started waving their flags in our state. This was the same rhetoric that Somali folks used for the britsh first people. The comments were exactly the same as the ones we see now. You cant find a solution if one side is pretending to be innocent and the other is fully to blame when in reality both are in the same space talking the same shit.

Theres a chimp out every day. Just a month ago 60 people died over desert land. When you both accept that your at fault then we can move on.


Bantu Liberation Movement
how do we find a solution if both sides are playing the same game? Its reciporical. Everyday theres anti somalia anti SL rehtoric. Theres also a 3 clan dynamic. Everyone is at each others throats, Everyone chimps out. Its not helping that ilhan or SL folks say the most retarded shit on earth. This was the same rhetoric that Somali folks used for the britsh first people. The comments were exactly the same as the ones we see now. You cant find a solution if one side is pretending to be innocent and the other is fully to blame when in reality both are in the same space talking the same shit.
I ask you again: What other group doctors videos or fake text and sends it to right wingers?

Which other group has "government officials" participating in their pro right wing propaganda campaign?
Nah it isn't sis. Somaliland its a separate country with separate achievements and history why should we mix it with other Somalis who loathes us and try to undermine our history? Why shluld I care for ilhan when she doesn't acknowledge Somaliland and even herself hasn't benefited any Somali but herself. She isn't my problem at all.
Thats the most stupid reason ever, that's like saying Berlin has different achievements and history than frankfurt therefore germany shouldn't be seen as one country or people. And btw all somalis originated from the north... if you look back enough
I ask you again: What other group doctors videos or fake text and sends it to right wingers?

Which other group has "government officials" participating in their propaganda campaign?
how do you know?
The speech is everywhere. If its posted on yt or on Social media, people will find it
When illhan said something about israel i dont think it was the north whom made it viral.
The right wing will find any video to use againt someone even if it takes years
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I never feeded any misinformation? and there is nothing to be jealous of ilhan, she's literally one of the most hated woman in America. she hasn't benefited Somalis or anyone other than herself. I even feel sorry for reer monnesota for having to put up with her and making innocent somalis live in danger when all she can do is shut up and resign.
I’m sorry but what has she done to resign? I dont agree with the comment but to say she’s putting innocent Somalis in danger is a stretch. The woman is clearly targeted because of her identity and the fact that she called out Israel.
The Isaaqs like @pinkyandthebrain have been feeding right wing racists for years. They are very jealous of Ilhan. Isaaqs have yet to procuce any significant diaspora politicians and this drives them crazy.

Their fake news operation will have an impact on them since they all inhabit the damp island of Britain where they are a visible low income, crime prone community. They are a common feature on the Britain First feed. There's a resurgence of the right wing there for the first time in 50 years.
You’re no better than the weirdos that push fake news. Stop generalising,
I’m sorry but what has she done to resign? I dont agree with the comment but to say she’s putting innocent Somalis in danger is a stretch. The woman is clearly targeted because of her identity and the fact that she called out Israel.
She talks way too much, things that can easily make her a target. She isn't doing the Somali community or Minnesota justice. I hope someone else is elected, she's long over due.
I agree that innocent somalis could be at risk and I don't agree with landers doing that weather for revenge because Ilhan is connected to minnesota which sadly connects to Somalis. But that still dont change my stance about Somalia.
You’ve actually come a long way, it’s crazy how your views have changed because of the internet. You need to understand that tribalism is a disease, it brings nothing but cuqdad and arrogance. Don’t let trolls on social media change you’d outlook on things. Social Media doesn’t reflect real life
You’ve actually come a long way, it’s crazy how your views have changed because of the internet. You need to understand that tribalism is a disease, it brings nothing but cuqdad and arrogance. Don’t let trolls on social media change you’d outlook on things. Social Media doesn’t reflect real life
The changes was necessary, I don't have cuducud personally.
We are a different ethnic group. We have completely separate paternal lineages and Somalilanders on average have have higher Eurasian ancestry. We don’t speak the same language, nor do we have the same culture and that is evident in your lack of stability and inability to govern yourselves for 3 decades.

If Croatians and Serbians can be classed as different, the Isaaq and Gadabuursi should be classed as a different ethnic group from the rest of you savages.
Everyone outside somalia views you people the same as the rest of us, you’re delusional if you genuinely believe this lmao. You’re no different than the rest of us.
What do you mean how do I know you stupid chimp, they literally brag about it. f*ck me, we are dealing with absolute morons here.

I am better, because I don't do it. I already made it clear, it won't have an impact on her, it will have an impact on the ordinary Somali.

Not chimping out lol. I just want proof. Other langaab somalis do the same thing, stop chimping out because your not innocent either, you yourself get involved in this qabyaalad bullshit lol and suddenly you wonder why people have gone mad. All these langaab somalis cry when something is said about them, its 30 years and still no united state. Stop acting like this happened in a vaccum. This what 30 years of straight langaabnimo/qabyaald gets you. In a ethnicity where kids get killed for being a rival clan dont expect positive and honourable shit.
I don't go to right wing fascists and feed them stories about Somalis to put my own family in jeopardy. You chimp Abgaal donkey. The fact that you can't comprehend that is why I deleted my post in the first place, you can't reason with idiocy.
ofc you chimp out when faced with reality. You cant understand and suddely victimse yourself. People like you are the reason why somalis sunk so low.
Langaabinmo is what you preach. Your chronically online and want to blame others for the same shit you do. f*ck outta here nigga. You retreat to qabil when you realise your low iq and the low iq of others leads to this. Right wingers always had a vendetta against illhan you retard, dont they have the ability to search for what ever she does? She made a comment about jews and what happened? Every tiny shit she does is monitored. Ali khayre made a very dumb comment. You think the white man cant catch up on it. Think outside the box or you will forever stay a qaxooti

Get a job niyahow. You langaabs were fighting for 30 years killing each other and now you care what's said online :deadpeter:


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
God there’s no saving these jegaan. I don’t think embarrassing fully describes what I felt reading this thread. I can now understand why Japanese warriors used to end their lives over shame
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