Landers make Ilhan omar go viral again

And I know your an insecure qumaayo I remember when I said I'm lightksin and yiu git sooo bitter loool @DojaKhat
OMG her and her side kick were literally making things up by saying light skin Somalis are not Somali and also get this, they also said most Somalis are dark. HAHAA like they went and did a skin census in Somalia. How the f*ck can you know what most people color is from outside the country first of all??? I expect this from African Americans or some other Africans, but this person is claiming to be Somali. Just weird!

I also told them its pick me behaviour to attack light-skin women (who were just born that way) over the fact that SOME men find them most attractive. It's all over what men like because outside of that there is no difference in life.
OMG her and her side kick were literally making things up by saying light skin Somalis are not Somali and also get this, they also said most Somalis are dark. HAHAA like they went and did a skin census in Somalia. How the f*ck can you know what most people color is from outside the country first of all??? I expect this from African Americans or some other Africans, but this person is claiming to be Somali. Just weird!

I also told them its pick me behaviour to attack light-skin women (who were just born that way) over the fact that SOME men find them most attractive. It's all over what men like because outside of that there is no difference in life.
Please continue talk shi about me cause I am racking up them good deeds of yours (if you have any).
Make It Rain Money GIF


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
OMG her and her side kick were literally making things up by saying light skin Somalis are not Somali and also get this, they also said most Somalis are dark. HAHAA like they went and did a skin census in Somalia. How the f*ck can you know what most people color is from outside the country first of all??? I expect this from African Americans or some other Africans, but this person is claiming to be Somali. Just weird!

I also told them its pick me behaviour to attack light-skin women (who were just born that way) over the fact that SOME men find them most attractive. It's all over what men like because outside of that there is no difference in life.
What are you talking about
You're right about it.

Somalis in Somalia is a whole different thing mainly because the nation has not come to a solution for the clan mistrust we still have. I have big issues regarding how somalis back home will happily let politicians rob them blind as long as they're from the same clan, they'll even defend them. However for those in diaspora to hold onto clan politics while living in an environment that has no basis for it is ridiculous. I'm not say we have to always get along but we should treat each other with a level of respect and not sell each other out.
Well, Ilhan does have those trans, pro-black kids going crazy on Jewish people in American Universities. She leads them, so I guess she can bring awareness to Somaliland. Since George Clooney helped Sudan split. The thing is why would they think she would do it if they attack her and her tribe while calling them "faquesh." Well, Ilhan "faquesh" Omar will play them dust now, and I'm sure no else gives a f in America. Especially now that the whole world is on the verge of war. America has bigger issues.

The thing is White Supremacist are a real threat to Ilhan. She shared that she told her family she might die on Jan. 6 because she was there. Plus she gets death threat by them since she represents everything they can't stand plus AIPAC want her head too. So they are making it a pain for her because there is someone crazy enough to kill a President so I am sure it can happen to her. At the end of the day it's up to Allah SWT. I like Ilhan, I think she is genuine.
What are you talking about
I wasn't talking to you so you can carry on. Peace.
proudly colourist somalis? I have seen it all :dead:
The dark skin fonts on here like those two weirdos are the colorist. I'm on the defence. They started it first. I can't be reverse colorist because they started it first because some men like light-skin women.
Notice these type of dark skin girls never have any smoke for light skin men? I noticed this a long time ago, always aimed at the women. Since they all love them deep down. It's their only chance of having brown skin kids with their dark-skin DNA.


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
I wasn't talking to you so you can carry on. Peace.
I’m allowed to speak when I want :kobeok:
The dark skin fonts on here like those two weirdos are the colorist. I'm on the defence. They started it first. I can't be reverse colorist because they started it first because some men like light-skin women.
Notice these type of dark skin girls never have any smoke for light skin men since they all love them deep down. It's their only chance of having brown skin kids with their dark dna.
:bell: this isn’t lipstick alley babes x
Please continue talk shi about me cause I am racking up them good deeds of yours (if you have any).
Make It Rain Money GIF
You already racked up all of mine since you stay attacking lights-kin women. All light-skin women are getting your deeds. Keep going, I love it. Thanks Darkie.


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
Ahhh hey Doja how are you hun?? Did you wear your sunscreen outside today??? Watch out for the sun girl. You don't want more dark problems.
:silanyolaugh: you think I’m DojaKhat I’m not btw shes Australian I’m form the uk she’s got a job I’m still in highschool

You are weird for that though.I’m not even Darkskin :draketf: why do you feel the need to make snarky comments like this
You already racked up all of mine since you stay attacking lights-kin women. All light-skin women are getting your deeds. Keep going, I love it. Thanks Darkie.
Professional victim, no one attacked you. now stop constantly mentioning skintone in every single thread that you are in. You sound mentally ill constantly bringing something up when it is clear most of us have moved on. Stop mentioning me and i promise i wouldn’t even interact with whatever room temperature iq take you have.
Ahhh hey Doja how are you hun?? Did you wear your sunscreen outside today??? Watch out for the sun girl. You don't want more dark problems.
You're genuinely so bad at trolling, I can only feel sorry for you.

Here's a tip - don't ham it up so much that you sound like a cartoon villain. Everyone here is laughing at you.
Why do you keep calling girls darkie?
Uhhh because those two fonts (I'm thinking you are one of the other usernames they use) said I am not Somali because I am light. You don't think that is offensive?? They also said other things.

And if they are so proud to be Blm civil rights leaders for darkies, I would assume they wouldn't find being called darkie rude? BTW I guess Ilhan Omar isn't the first Somali Congresswoman since she is too light to be Somali according to those weirdos.

The dark skin fonts on here like those two weirdos are the colorist. I'm on the defence. They started it first. I can't be reverse colorist because they started it first because some men like light-skin women.
Notice these type of dark skin girls never have any smoke for light skin men? I noticed this a long time ago, always aimed at the women. Since they all love them deep down. It's their only chance of having brown skin kids with their dark-skin DNA.
Are we reading the same thread? You came out of nowhere and started calling people darkie and telling her to bleach her skin. I can also bet that the diane that you’re pitching in for is definitely a bleaching cream. Are you sure you aren’t the insecure one?


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
Uhhh because those two fonts (I'm thinking you are one of the other usernames they use) said I am not Somali because I am light. You don't think that is offensive?? They also said other things.

And if they are so proud to be Blm civil rights leaders for darkies, I would assume they wouldn't find being called darkie rude? BTW I guess Ilhan Omar isn't the first Somali Congresswoman since she is too light to be Somali according to those weirdos.

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Show me where they said that?Stop with the mental gymnastics.
Uhhh because those two fonts (I'm thinking you are one of the other usernames they use) said I am not Somali because I am light. You don't think that is offensive?? They also said other things.

And if they are so proud to be Blm civil rights leaders for darkies, I would assume they wouldn't find being called darkie rude? BTW I guess Ilhan Omar isn't the first Somali Congresswoman since she is too light to be Somali according to those weirdos.

View attachment 333337
I'm dark too I'm just trolling this weirdo.


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
Uhhh because those two fonts (I'm thinking you are one of the other usernames they use) said I am not Somali because I am light. You don't think that is offensive?? They also said other things.

And if they are so proud to be Blm civil rights leaders for darkies, I would assume they wouldn't find being called darkie rude? BTW I guess Ilhan Omar isn't the first Somali Congresswoman since she is too light to be Somali according to those weirdos.

View attachment 333337
Stop with the trolling it’s getting embarrassing
Professional victim, no one attacked you. now stop constantly mentioning skintone in every single thread that you are in. You sound mentally ill constantly bringing something up when it is clear most of us have moved on. Stop mentioning me and i promise i wouldn’t even interact with whatever room temperature iq take you have.
I didn't mention your name actually but here you are right on time. I am on your mind a lot right? I guess it must be my light-skin.
