Large Anti-Somaliland protest in Laas Caanood

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In fighting our enemies, let us not turn into monsters. In fighting opression, we should not wish for the death and destruction of innocent people on both sides. Civilians or non combattants on all sides must be protected. We are all Somalis at the end of the day.

May Allah protect us from the accursed Satan.


Theres already been 16 isaac killed in bosaso and garoowe in sha Allah million isaac will be killed all over darood lands from jigjiga to gariisa
stagfurulah this guy is a liar. walahi i am in bosaso no. we love our neighbors. we dont have anything against the isaaq clan. its the somaliland government we oppose. this guy doesnt repesent puntland. this is the same guy calling non mahmoud saleebaan terrorist. hes sick and i hope he gets better. anyone calling for the death of innocent ppl should be banned from this forum


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
stagfurulah this guy is a liar. walahi i am in bosaso no. we love our neighbors. we dont have anything against the isaaq clan. its the somaliland government we oppose. this guy doesnt repesent puntland. this is the same guy calling non mahmoud saleebaan terrorist. hes sick and i hope he gets better. anyone calling for the death of innocent ppl should be banned from this forum
You're ali saleeban and i am mahamoud saleeban i inhabit from bosaso to galkacyo while cali saleeban inhabit galgala majority rule you cuqdad ridden laangaab the next president of puntland will be mohamud saleeban:ufdup:


You're ali saleeban and i am mahamoud saleeban i inhabit from bosaso to galkacyo while cali saleeban inhabit galgala majority rule you cuqdad ridden laangaab the next president of puntland will be mohamud saleeban:ufdup:
post your face on here and than try to step foot in bosaso. you will get arrested within the hour i will make sure of that. i will keep you in prison until you are rehabilitated. my brother is a high ranking military officer here in puntland station in garowe and most of my family are either in the police force or military. walahi my real apti just died in tukaraq fighting for ppl like you and you are on here spreading hate within our clan. fix up


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
post your face on here and than try to step foot in bosaso. you will get arrested within the hour i will make sure of that. i will keep you in prison until you are rehabilitated. my brother is a high ranking military officer here in puntland station in garowe and most of my family are either in the police force or military. walahi my real apti just died in tukaraq fighting for ppl like you and you are on here spreading hate within our clan. fix up
You an cali saleeban is going to arrest me a maxamud saleeban in bosaso in my city kkk you must think bosaso is qandala.

Bosaso belongs to cismaan maxamud boowe

I am closely related to cisman diana may Allah be pleased with him the head of the PSF


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why are you creating division within our clan?
I am stating facts what did I say that was wrong? Bosaso belongs to cisman maxamud and qandala belongs to Cali saleeban how is he telling me he will arrest me in my city kkk


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Bosaso belongs to Harti, and dashiishe if you wanna go there.
You clearly dont know the history of bosaso it use to be called bendar kassim and it was given that name by boqor cismaan it is owned by cismaan maxamud and dhisheshe also settle there with cismaan maxamud


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
lol this guy is confused. come to bosaso. i dare you. walahi i will arrest you
How will you a laangaab cali saleeban who only inhabit qandala going to areest me a laandheer maxamud saleeban who lives from bosaso to galkacyo in my own city bosaso bendar kassim on cismaan maxamud land?
War aniga ma walaan miise caden ba laga heesayaa boowe nin laandheer ah oo boqortooyadi ba ahay ma garatey:chrisfreshhah:


DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
You're ali saleeban and i am mahamoud saleeban i inhabit from bosaso to galkacyo while cali saleeban inhabit galgala majority rule you cuqdad ridden laangaab the next president of puntland will be mohamud saleeban:ufdup:
Cali Saleebaan are the Cement that hold Puntland together, we get President with the grace of Cali Saleebaan


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Cali Saleebaan are the Cement that hold Puntland together, we get President with the grace of Cali Saleebaan
I as an cismaan maxamud i dont need no laangaab cali saleeban who live in qandala and most of qandala support terrorists i dont need cali saleeban cement kulaha baqti foqol baqti speak for yourself in sha Allah more cali saleeban terrorists will be killed in qandala

I as cismaan maxamud inhabit most of Bari while cali saleeban inhabit only qandala who needs who?

You're from mudug not Bari you need to shut your mouth and mind your own business.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You have bitter cuqdad ridden laangaabs protecting isaac telling me they will arreat me in bosaso kkk youre my guest in bosaso boowe remember that how can you even talk to nin boqortooyo ah oo laandheer ah?
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