Largest amount of army to defect from Somalland region to date join Lt General Caare's army

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
All this thread and pics are just for show. Action speaks louder than words :pachah1:

If it was for show why was the Sland army attacked 3 times. We both know winter is coming. :lol:[/QUO
And yeah what has happened? Stealing ambulances or attacking pregnant women doesn’t mean your tough sxb. But I’m gonna let you cook and fool everyone else :dead:


If it was for show why was the Sland army attacked 3 times. We both know winter is coming. :lol:[/QUO
And yeah what has happened? Stealing ambulances or attacking pregnant women doesn’t mean your tough sxb. But I’m gonna let you cook and fool everyone else :dead:

Neither is being goofy "tough". Attacking pregnant woman? you mean the Porcus woman well she died in sub clan feud nothing to do with Caare's army.


Just cause they don’t have the same views as you doesn’t mean they’re not gx. If people like you were the majority than somaliland would be over . Stop being so delusional not everyone think like you :heh:

Nobody knows their sub clan. I don't claim sheegatos.


He doesn't need the advice of sellouts. People whose families are on the payroll of the Jeegaan like you.
As I previously said my fam supports the opposition party and donates to it. There are many other HY like me who don’t support either political parties but still support our blessed nation . You on the other hand have lost it and have even started smear campaign against the SNM .


As I previously said my fam supports the opposition party and donates to it. There are many other HY like me who don’t support either political parties but still support our blessed nation . You on the other hand have lost it and have even started smear campaign against the SNM .

Your family and you supported Kulmiye in the elections (your anti Wadani threads from 2017 is out there for everyone to see) and now suddenly you want to convince me they supported the opposition.



Wallahi it’s beyond delusional. I get he hates somaliland for whatever reason but he should just keep it political. He even smeared the snm and gasses up reer puntland. :gucciwhat:

Where did I smear SNM? let me guess mentioning the fact people were killed in Awdal by sections of it means "smear" .


I wonder if you’re really gx ? :childplease:

Probably wasting my time with a sheegato:comeon:

Nice try trying to cover up Gabiley SNM section crimes against Awdal civilians.:childplease: It is like me trying to conceal the fact my SNM section in Sanaag-Sool killed a lot of people. I don't believe in cover ups and lies but truth and transparency.


You were spreading Jeegaan rumours that Cirro got money from the Mogadishu admin. So if it walks like a duck talks like a duck it must be a duck . You are one of them now. Disappear from my sight. :lol:
Well there was a lot of sophisticated propaganda circulating at the time claiming that which I fell for .

Anyways let us know if Caare’s boys finally get a shot on target on SL soldier :chrisfreshhah:.

Good luck , I’m out .


Well there was a lot of sophisticated propaganda circulating at the time claiming that which I fell for .

Anyways let us know if Caare’s boys finally get a shot on target on SL soldier :chrisfreshhah:.

Good luck , I’m out .

Like I said you are busted Jeegaan boy. Now gtfo of the thread and don't derail threads in future. :samwelcome:
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