LarryThePuntite likes 2 style himself as the Napoleon of Somalia. He has things N common wth him

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Somali neefs are so adorable.

They have these sad faced puppy eyes when you leave the hood/western refugee camp.

It’s like they want you to stay with them. It’s so interesting how are bums get so worked up when Somalis leave the hood.


Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Napolean was 170cm, pretty normal as the French just had a revolution. Napolean first invaded [-Europe because from the time of the Revolution, France had been attacked and besieged by her neighbors. Napoleon's response was to counterattack and invade the attackers. Later on, he believed France was to manifest destiny. Through his life he had three marriages
Where you getting your information:gucciwhat:

He had 3 symbolic wives because at the time is was a social norm to be married as a ruler otherwise it was unacceptable. He kept getting divorced cause he was not interested in penetrating them. He was asexual.

His wars was not majority of them to thwart invasions but war of domination on his part. Somewhere unnecessary adventures such as the last plunder that he embarked on, the Waterloo encounter where he lost badly because of his arrogance and where he was exiled to St Helena island in the middle of the Atlantic.

The location he lost his last battle, WATERLOO, is named after so many towns, cities and streets in Canada that is nauseating
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