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Southie pride
Where I live there are many pretty Latino girls. You know what I like about them. They are so easy to date with them and nail them. They cool.
This fucking gotta be stupid or something. Telling be "ill be at burger king come" then shes out here shopping with her fam and I sitting im burger King like a simp smh

I ain't about to talk to her while her mommy and daddy is listening
This was disappointing. She came right after I posted, and we spoke for like 15 mik until she had to go with her mom

Im posting this right after she left.

But ohmagawd she's so fine:ahh::banderas: Tight bod, ass and titties, lips and a perfect skin complexion :ohhhdamn:

She she said she'd meet up with me again tomorrow too:win: But she want there to me more than just us two, leaving me with less room to show my moves:stopit:

But idc I want her:rejoice:
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