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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
@Farm Equipment is so low quality, boring it hurts my eyes :mjlol:

He literally panders to the lowest common denominator, "racist leader lies about Somaliland and calls Somalis rapey"

I heard his account got suspended :2tjlv3e:
Your posts make no sense, your dusty self and your ghetto ass area speak for its self,
no run along on that min cab of yours and make some money for that long
suffering wife

:trumpsmirk: correction you are one of those irrelevant boring asses, I ignore also,
you would think a big hint is me never interacting with you LOL run the f*ck along

If one, between you and I is ghetto i can assure you it is you who is the malnourished improvished without teeths tax payers money stealing bed hopping , there is no two ways about.. your persona on somalispot is screaming
"Somebody please help me"

So let me help you...stop whatever you are smoking cuz in your little head you think you are tomb raider of somalispot.. your comments are infact baseless uninformative uncreative diluted bollocks and always stand out in a thread of 10 pages because of your unlimited unrestricted seriously stupidity that is so unbelievably dumb that i feel sorry for you..

Naag naag naag with no end result..naa shat da fck up for once goddd dammm you are soo bloody stupid, go do something more suitable for your character like lick the toilet seat or something..
If one, between you and I is ghetto i can assure you it is you who is the malnourished improvished without teeths tax payers money stealing bed hopping , there is no two ways about.. your persona on somalispot is screaming
"Somebody please help me"

So let me help you...stop whatever you are smoking cuz in your little head you think you are tomb raider of somalispot.. your comments are infact baseless uninformative uncreative diluted bollocks and always stand out in a thread of 10 pages because of your unlimited unrestricted seriously stupidity that is so unbelievably dumb that i feel sorry for you..

Naag naag naag with no end result..naa shat da fck up for once goddd dammm you are soo bloody stupid, go do something more suitable for your character like lick the toilet seat or something..

Did I hit a nerve? Mr mini cab driver?

Horta whats with the fucking essay?

Nah why don't you come lick my feet peasant, I'll throw some coins your way

Horta don't make me report you and your wife to the benefit fraud department

:trumpsmirk: keep hating


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I was reading that Twitter and it actually made me not proud of being Somali for a minute, Why we can't step up with these foreigners and use their universal laws against them after al:siilaanyosmile:l, Islamic laws align with western laws with in closer margin.
I was reading that Twitter and it actually made me not proud of being Somali for a minute, Why we can't step up with these foreigners and use their universal laws against them after al:siilaanyosmile:l, Islamic laws align with western laws with in closer margin.

You are not the only one, from what i understand of online somalis is that majority of them are severely lacking in intelligent thinking..having the ability to question a subject..any subject in a rational mature manner from few different sides,..

Gays, atheists, liberals, gaalo raac westenised and the challenged ones are in the majority when it comes to twitter unfortunately

Its exactly like back home politics, we are bejng represented by those that should never be anywhere the front line of anything that relates to us...

I say confront them, give them the middle finger...
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