Let’s play guess who this could be

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Hey you inferior low T lamagoodles. You are my property and you inferior charcoal lamagoodles are the weakest race in the world. That's why your men are constantly getting cucked by asians, bantus, arabs because of self hating, cheap and clean charcoal lamagoodle women. Ugly donkeys :vqbuyv0:

That’s definitely @Yaxye25
Wallahi he definitely has an axe to grind with Somalis


Xalimos I've come to realization that all faraxs eat their boogers. Yes you heard me all of them eat their duuf. it's a very known fact that they all eat their boogers after that they rub it on their big fat assess. It's time for us ladies to leave Somali men and their disgusting habits :fittytousand:

This could have been me but I’m not that creative

It’s the one and only @Reiko


I am against the gynocentric laws of the West. Any man who marries from the West is a cuck. The only option is to marry a xalimo from home who has never had contact with civilisation. :fittytousand:
The mere exposure to a lighter should be a breath taking experience for her. I have aligned myself with gay men to take on these feminists. We will only be working together on a professional capacity ofcourse... :yacadiim:I’m not a samaale Male, my ancestors can be traced back to ibn arab darood of qatar, please look at these pictures of charcoal coloured men to verify my point. *inserts 700 random pictures and videos that he knows no one apart from Factz has the time to sort through*
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I am against the gynocentric laws of the West. Any man who marries from the West is a cuck. The only option is to marry a xalimo from home who has never had contact with civilisation. :fittytousand:
The mere exposure to a lighter should be a breath taking experience for her. I have aligned myself with gay men to take on these feminists. We will only be working together on a professional basis ofcourse... :yacadiim:I’m not a samaale Male, my ancestors can be traced back to ibn arab darood of qatar, please look at these pictures of charcoal coloured men to verify my point. *inserts 700 random pictures and videos that he knows no one apart from Factz has the time to sort through*

Girls back there don’t kiss on the mouth or cuddle...they only know the rough way...
How is that an L? He's just being a , did you not read my post?

He's known to be a towards other users. He thinks raping men isn't being gay.


Ynow I don’t remember that post so I think he invented my reply, makes it more creepy


"I got me a sweet, young porcu malab recently up in my mountain villa in Sanaag

Who said us old folk ain't got no sauce"
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