Let's all remember Isniino

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Isniino was a mother of five from Mandera. She was brutally raped, tortured and then buried naked in a shallow grave.

The discovery of her shallow grave sparked concerns about the nature of extra judicial killings of Kenyans of Somali ethnicity. Those who spoke out against it were vilified as Al Shabaab sympathizers. Some protesters arrested for daring to question Kenyan police.

Isniino was accused of being an Al Shabaab cook by high level officials who had never met her or even worked in Mandera.

Isniino was innocent. She is a victim of brutal opportunistic rapists and xenophobes.

Her children will grow up without a mother. Women in North Eastern Province will never feel safe again. Men will worry about the fate of their wives and children forever.

Let's all remember Isniino, her family and our vulnerable people in Kenya.

bilan M

The bloody fools should stop call themselves keyanian and continue th fight for liberation.
may allah swc rest her in jannah! i have heard her but didnt knew she had children.
this is the moments i think al kebaab onslaught on kenyans in nairobi is justified.
insha allah somalia with the help of somaliland will wipe kenya off the map. amen!!

bilan M

You think you're being clever but you're actually being subhuman.

There is nothing clever about stating the obvious.
Subhuman is how they treated this women, and they will continue to do so if the somalis do not put up a resistance against this terror.
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RIP Isniino

How long are we going to remain occupied and suffer more oppression? We're getting raped, robbed, murdered and trampled on. Wake up people this is a stab to our dignity and pride. How long are you going to remain at sleep? Doesn't hearing such news ever boil your blood?


The so called Shifta Wars are considered terrorist acts in Kenya. Our people can't stand up to the police when their entire self determination struggle is considered an act of terror. Now that Al Shabaab hijacked that struggle it only became more difficult.

If you knew the full extent of what Kenya was doing to Somalis under this terror programme you'd explode. They're kidnapping little kids and teenagers in the dead of the night. Most of them disappear forever, those seen again are in shallow graves or found drowned after being tortured.


NFD needs an rebellion where every Somali needs to participate in. If we just can't do this we're totally done for as an ethnic-group!


It would never be supported by the West even if it's a secular uprising like the so called Shifta Wars.They paid Ethiopia to kill Somali civilians and called ONLF a terror group.


This world works by give and take, Somalis in the NFD have nothing to offer to NATO so that's why we're ignored unlike the Arabs with their Arab springs that provide oil.


Reer NFD needs better leadership. :frdfvsb:

Billow Kerrow is a brave man who stood up to them despite being arrested for it. He's in Mecca now praying for his people.

Ali Roba is evil not spineless. Dualeh has a devil may care attitude towards NEP residents...unless they own businesses in Eastleigh like he does
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