Let's all remember Isniino

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Can you post a credible article by an independent news media that isn't prone to sensationalism that corroborates your story as it is? There's always two sides to every story. Even if it is true, Kenya is still a far safer country for Lamagoodleys to live in than in your own lands. They have been far more hospitable than deserved based on the spiteful comments that fill this thread.

Still, AUN to the deceased.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
This is fucking sad :( AUN ISNIINO, these kenyan apes are probably doin 10x worst in somalia


Allah uu naxriisto Isniino iyo soomaalida kale kuu geeriyoodi magalada Kenya iyo magaalo kasta. Allah ayaan ku reebay dadka dhiba umada soomaalida.

Walle cadowga Soomaliyeed mar kale ayay ka sheekayn doonaan :fittytousand:

Ameen bi'iidmilahi kariim
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