Let's all stop using Dahabshiil money remittance

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Those pictures above are from West Burco when Dahabshiil offices were being
trashed there by youths. Dahabshiil learned his learn and now only opens offices
in East Burco.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Lol walle this daarood hybrid is funny talking about west burco. every big business uses dahabshiil back home. I walk east to west burco anytime of the day, stop with your ciyaal mentality and grow up. US official reports links al shabaab with the wanlaweyn government and that is clear as day.

HA & HJ businesses keep somaliland alive, so either give respect where its due or join your relatives in wanlaweynia


I couldn't careless where you went. I was there in the summer of 2015, chilling in West Burco and I haven't seen one branch
of Dahabshiil in there. Good riddance I say, he knows if shit hits the fan anytime his buildings will be burned if he builds it there. His
headquarters in Burco is also in east Afgooye the east Burco part. He is taking precautions. :nvjpqts:

USA points out it suspects Dahabshil of funding Al shabab through his transactions. It also highlights that Hersi
Gaab the former minister is a cousin of Dahabshil on motherside and it is true Dahabshil's reer abti are Axmed

The latter works for the Somalian funds transfer company Dahabshiil, which is already in the US crosshairs.
It suspects it of funding Al-Shabaab
and the perpetrators of Somaliland’s attempted coup to overthrow President
Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud, aka Silanyo. Hersi Ali Haji Hassan is also a cousin of Dhabshiil’s founder, Mohamed
Said Duale
. In mid-November, the latter met with the presidential for Somaliland’s ruling party Kulmiye, Musa Bihi Abdi,
to assure him of his commitment to help maintain political stability in Somaliland.

Washington and London’s monkey business in Hargeisa

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Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Dahabshiil is located at the center of burco right near the suuq. Why would they need a branch in Westend when you guys all walk there to get your payday. Your west burco fantasy only exists in your mind buddy. If ever somaliland gets recognized dahabshiil will be a national bank.


I was in the "suuq" itself aka Zerooga the Abdirahman Tuur roundabout area
that is the H-Y suuq in the Afgooye part. Where Dahabshiil is located is further
east. Lol Dahabshiil should get the ATM machines in his headquarters working
in Hargeisa first before he thinks about his company becoming a bank.


Bored to death
Africa Intelligence: USA suspects Dahabshiil of funding terror group Al Shabab

The US State Department opposes the UK Foreign Office on the attempted coup
in Hargeisa. The Americans accuse the dissident leader of being close to
radical Islamists.

Following the attempted constitutional coup on 26 October by the Minister to the Presidency Hersi Ali Haji Hassan (ION 1414), two diplomats at the British embassy in Addis Ababa, Cat Evans and Lizzie Lovett went to meet the Somaliland authorities on 11 November. According to our sources, they asked for the reinstatement of the 13 ministers and deputy ministers who had supported Hersi Ali Haji by resigning. The latter are members or close to the London-based Islamist group ed-Dam al Jadid (new blood), an offshoot of the al-Ittihad al-Islami movement. This faction, which has good relations with the Conservative Party of UK Prime Minister David Cameron, already helped President Hassan Sheikh Mahamoud take power in Somalia.

To counter UK’s support to the troublemakers, the US dispatched its Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, to Djibouti on 13 November. The Americans are concerned because they suspect Hersi Ali Haji’s brother, also a member of ed-Dam al Jadid, of being linked to the Al-Shabaab radical Islamists. The latter works for the Somalian funds transfer company Dahabshiil, which is already in the US crosshairs. It suspects it of funding Al-Shabaab and the perpetrators of Somaliland’s attempted coup to overthrow President Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud, aka Silanyo. Hersi Ali Haji Hassan is also a cousin of Dhabshiil’s founder, Mohamed Said Duale. In mid-November, the latter met with the presidential for Somaliland’s ruling party Kulmiye, Musa Bihi Abdi, to assure him of his commitment to help maintain political stability in Somaliland.

Source: africaintelligence.com

This is huge. I did not know there was that deep a connection between Hargeisa and Mogadishu. The US as usual shows zero tolerance for terrorist support and Dahabshiil was worried about the British government, lol, that's a lack of foresight.


@Dhoobe Here is what I was telling you. Dahabshiil is in east of Qasabka road, while I was chilling west of the road.

The dark box area is what is known as Afgooye/Central Burco aka the Suuq. Qasabka
road divides Burco into West and East.
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