Libyans whip Somali refugees, I almost cried. Almost

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Why are they leaving Somalia in the first place, they probably payed thousands to tahriib there, its their fault for not creating opportunities in their own land and fleeing to some arabs
Libyans tribes in the desert and their militia have committed huge crimes against Somalis. Even the President of Sudan Hassan Al-Bashir has spoken out few years ago and asked the Somalis to stay in their country instead of being abused in Libya. Somalis are still going thru that Libyan desert hellhole while they are killed and their organs sold to the black market in the organ trade, sold as slaves in the Libyan desert, raped, and extorted thousands of USD which their families don't have.

I guess Somalis would do any thing to get to Europe - even if it means losing their life.
I see the atheists and homos trying to take cheap shots at Arabs. Too bad for you the Libyans treat the Palestinians and Syrians the same way they treat Somalis or even worse. This is a country where all state institutions collapsed. What you have basically is militia roaming and killing, raping, and extorting people because migrants don't tribe and militia protection.
I dont feel sorry for them at all. Back home there is a huge anti tahriib campaign, in schools, radio, tv, billboards, movies, there are even real life horror stories of those who came back to tell them the consequence. Yet with all that they still venture out and get abused. f*ck all of them greedy bastards.
The whole documentary has just been uploaded by Vice:

Shit is heart-breaking. Africans in general, and Somalis in particular, need to stop tahriib. And if they must go, then they better avoid certain countries as some of these Arab people are merciless animals.


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Arabs are below animals. We already knew that. Even pit bulls have more restraint than these Arab parasites. They are violent and uncivilised.

The only decent Arabs are Syrians which is why I feel bad that they have to go through this hell. I wish it was Lebanon instead.


And seek help in patience and prayers
Libyans are some of the evil people I have seen. I saw what they did to Gaddafi( stuck an actual gun up his rectum), anything is possible with these people. Best to stay away from that country all together.
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