Heat ar3n't even my team keep disrespecting me. You'll be a normal SS citizen tomorrow.
Air Jalam vs Abdi Qawm Luut in court. I will not jiif untill you'r3 not a MOD anymore. I'm not @waraabe or other ni99as you hit on This will be th3 3nd of you. You m3ss3d with the wrong ni99a.
@Air Jalam AJ's blowing you kisses man
@Air Jalam AJ's blowing you kisses man
@AbdiJohnson write his forum name on your wrist and post it LMAO.
@Air JalamLet me find a pen
@Air Jalam AJ likes when someone plays hard to get. Slap him.
I didn't know you were a hairy. don't gay guys moisturize and shave?
don't gay guys moisturize and shave?
I only shave my body. Not my hands.