I'm afraid this disease with it's ever increasing influence will never go away. Women will forever harm themselves to appease their husbands fight off other women or even simply to make the other jealous. I have carefully followed the reasons for the pandemic now known as fair skin syndrome. It's a combination of internal and external factors which make its use rather popular for Indians the Middle East, Chinese, Koreans and Africans. It is something which cannot be extinguished due to a universally idolised standard of buety. The infectious European fair skin dominates the beuty industry so much so that women with dark skin are alienated into its submission. I'm afraid this self perpetuating stream of low level confidence derived from an un-obtainable image will sadly forever haunt the minds of beutiful dark skinned women. Only education and the exposure of darkness as buetiful will eradicate this problem. Otherwise the mockery of the ugly negro will forever be a standard etched in the minds of the young, old and those to come.Remember when she was hot?
Now she looks like a washed up miss piggy.
Did you see the pic Kim k posted on Instagram then lil Kim reposted the same pic but edited it to make her look white? Everyone was going in on here. She can't be taken seriously anymore.She looks like a circus freak.
She looked best in early 2000s. Sadly she suffers from low self esteem!
Age has no detrimental impact to ones emotional wellbeing, age is a natural progression of life. Skin bleaching on the other hand is a disease which must be eradicated emediately. It poses a threat to the young of our nation influenced by a world of racial superiority. It poses a threat to health of women the dangers of bleaching have not been studied extensively who knows what the risks are.Age is actually a disease .it kills the body slowly .
Yes my dear ?Eternal can I ask you a serious and intellectually stimulating question?
She's gone from beingRemember when she was hot?
Now she looks like a washed up miss piggy.
I know what you will say to me as a light skinned woman I have no right to voice my concerns on the mental and physical damage of using bleaching products. I am black regardless of the shade of my skin, I come from Africa therefore I will proudly help my sisters with stopping the stripping away of their most cherished blanket. Our skin our heratige our pride will not be influenced by western ideals. It is time thar dark skin got the recognition it so rightfully deserves.Are you light skin tho?
I know what you will say to me as a light skinned woman I have no right to voice my concerns on the mental and physical damage of using bleaching products. I am black regardless of the shade of my skin, I come from Africa therefore I will proudly help my sisters with stopping the stripping away of their most cherished blanket. Our skin our heratige our pride will not be influenced by western ideals. It is time thar dark skin got the recognition it so rightfully deserves.
Eternal can I ask you a serious and intellectually stimulating question?
Yes my dear ?
Are you light skin tho?
I never straighten my hair it's always in french braids. My hair is very coarse and short but I'm happy with it, as long as it's out of the way I'm free to get on with life. I wear make up what woman doesn't ? I love the array of colours which compliment my skin. My phynotype is of a normal somali girl, I don't know what particular detail of my "appearance" would satisfy your thirst for knowledge of my characteristics.How would you deseribe your phenotype and hair though ? I see you do not subscribe to western notions of skin tone and beauty .