Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
ii soo duceeya saaxiibayaal @Somali_Tycoon @Reddington
ii soo duceeya saaxiibayaal @Somali_Tycoon @Reddington
Rabi waxaan ka baryay jidkaan aad xariga u xiratay inuu waasaac kaaga dhigo oo aad qaraabkaada iyo danahaada Ku guleysato
Adigune, Rabi waxaan ka codsaneyaa inuu ku garab istaago, waayo waxa kuu soo socdo ciyaar ciyaar ma'ahan
@Tramo xarifaakaan allaha dhamaanteen naga qabto, ma naxo runti lol
We representing Odeyaasha AqalkaLoool making dua like odey
But I'm funny.... Is just that when I say something funny, I laugh enough for the both of us and I get carried away till we run out of laughs for you to laugh at my funny jokes >,,<
Your some demented 42 year old oday, see a therapist
Why do you find that funny, I was trying to be helpful.
Why do you find that funny, I was trying to be helpful.
I can always send you a brand new macawis abti.
That's a real awoowo with life experience, looks like he's in his 70s. Imagine all the stories and the wisdom he can pass to you, don't disrespect the Awoowos and the Ayeeyos.