Lipstickalley taking a common L, as per usual.


It’s not that serious
west african history and culture is cool
idk why they're always claiming civilizations of ppl that look nothing like them.
I agree. West Africa has rich history. I guess they’re so convinced they are descendants of royalty so why not claim the most famous African civilization
Lol it’s not that simple. Imagine getting 10 random countries as your result. Does that really help? How do you decide what country to adopt, not forgetting there’s 100s of ethnicities to choose from
I think they need to make their own culture with some ties to their roots, they are too mixed with other countries to choose just one

they somewhat have this, it'd be nice to see a cultural shift happen with the AA's kind of like what happened during the Harlem Renaissance, to me that was a high point for Black people despite the challenges of jim crow
I don’t understand the obsession over ancient Egypt. It’s like desperately clinging to a past greatness that never was yours just to have a past.
White people have literally white washed ancient Egyptians in movies and often make it seem that they are their complexion. They also white washed Jesus. I really don’t know why you incels constantly target mathows for something that everyone is also doing. Do yall feel insecure near them or something?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
We’re probably genetically closer to Ancient Egyptians then they are but we don’t shamelessly say We Wuz Kangz And Sheit :drakekidding:

We actually seem descended from Egyptians from around the Mesolithic and Neolithic ages. Then we share a language family with them (Egyptian & Cushitic are both Afro-Asiatic), then we also seem to have some loanwords in our language from them as well as many shared customs such as similar historical attire and even the unfortunate practice of FGM yet here we are; proud Geeljires with no need of We Wuz Kangz business.

west african history and culture is cool
idk why they're always claiming civilizations of ppl that look nothing like them.
Simple. Cadaan validation. They’re particularly obsessed with Egypt because cadaans are fascinated by the civilisation so it’s only natural that their former slaves claim it to look good for their masters :mjdontkno:


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
White people have literally white washed ancient Egyptians in movies and often make it seem that they are their complexion. They also white washed Jesus. I really don’t know why you incels constantly target mathows for something that everyone is also doing. Do yall feel insecure near them or something?
Who hurt u my nigga these niggas are claiming that egyptians were Nigerian I just thought it was funny and posted it what is this insecure and incel u are talking about because I post a thread we all know egyptians aren't European they are a similar to their Coptic just darker skin
Who hurt u my nigga these niggas are claiming that egyptians were Nigerian I just thought it was funny and posted it what is this insecure and incel u are talking about because I post a thread we all know egyptians aren't European they are a similar to their Coptic just darker skin
I ain’t hurt. I just don’t understand why a lot of Somalis folks bully mathows on the internet. Everybody is claiming other people’s history. I even seen Somalis claiming ancient Egypt on twitter.


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
I ain’t hurt. I just don’t understand why a lot of Somalis folks bully mathows on the internet. Everybody is claiming other people’s history. I even seen Somalis claiming ancient Egypt on twitter.
I know lipstickalley is just annoying though they claim we are mixed with arabs they claim egypt they claim Hebrew Israelites they claim native Americans... Yea those Somalis are idiots as well I saw one claiming lineage to Alexander lool

Anyways it is just jokes we all know they are not Nigerian Yoruba tribe i just wanted to post this
I know lipstickalley is just annoying though they claim we are mixed with arabs they claim egypt they claim Hebrew Israelites they claim native Americans... Yea those Somalis are idiots as well I saw one claiming lineage to Alexander lool

Anyways it is just jokes we all know they are not Nigerian Yoruba tribe i just wanted to post this

Yhea I get. Calling Somalis mixed doesn’t offend me because it shows who they are, which is a group of insecure people. Their insecurity tells them that an African can’t look like this which is sad.

Loool since the rise of social media, anyone and everyone claims any history. I saw Arabs claiming Somali history aswell.


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
Yhea I get. Calling Somalis mixed doesn’t offend me because it shows who they are, which is a group of insecure people. Their insecurity tells them that an African can’t look like this which is sad.

Loool since the rise of social media, anyone and everyone claims any history. I saw Arabs claiming Somali history aswell.
Idk why but arabs on the internet are so racist calling us abeed and half breed