List of Somali Cities/Towns Occupied By Afar And Oromo


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Historically Somalis took hella oromo concubines. And we've always taken oromo wives, the practice never stopped sxb. Go get you 5'4 macaano
Indeed, an ancient tradition.

I. M. Lewis (1959) highlights that the Gadabuursi were in conflict with the Galla during the reign of Ughaz Ali Makail Dera, during and after the campaigns against the Christian Abyssinians:

"These campaigns were clearly against the Christian Abyssinians, but it appears from the chronicle that the Gadabursi were also fighting the Galla. A later leader of the clan, Ugas 'Ali Makahil, who was born in 1575 at Dobo, north of the present town of Borama in the west of the British Protectorate, is recorded as having inflicted a heavy defeat on Galla forces at Nabadid, a village in the Protectorate."[6]
Ughaz Nur I, who was crowned in 1698, married Faaya Aale Boore who was the daughter of a famous Oromo King and Chief, Aale Boore.[2] Ughaz Nur I and Faaya Aale Boore gave birth to Ughaz Hiraab and Ughaz Shirdoon, who later became the 6th and 7th Ughaz respectively.[2] Aale Boore was a famous Oromo King, the victory of the former over the latter marked a historical turning point in concluding the Oromo predominance in the Eastern Hararghe region.[2]

The Gadabuursi managed to defeat and kill the next Oromo King after Aale Boore during the reign of Ughaz Roble I who was crowned in 1817. It is said that during his reign the Gadabuursi tribe reached great influence and tremendous height in the region, having managed to defeat the reigning Galla/Oromo King at that time whose name was Nuuno which struck a blow to the Galla's morale, due to their much loved King being killed. He was defeated by Geedi Bahdoon, also known as Geedi Malable. He struck a spear right through the King while he was in front of a tree, the spear pierced inside the tree making it not able for the King to escape or remove the spear. After he died he was buried in an area that's now called Qabri Nuuno near Sheedheer. In the picture already shared titled 'An old map featuring the Harrawa Valley in the Gadabuursi country, north of Harar' one can read Gabri Nono, which is the anglicized version of the Somali Qabri Nuuno.[2][7]


My bad bro, I overreacted Habarhabashi is getting on my nerves, the Oromo expanded heavily into Somali territory, we got some of it back, at most they only lived there for a couple hundred years, historically it was always inhabited by Somalis or proto - Somalis.
It is unreasonable for you to tell me that all the lands where Somalis live have always been theirs. This is unrealistic


♚Sargon of Adal♚
It is unreasonable for you to tell me that all the lands where Somalis live have always been theirs. This is unrealistic
That has been the status quo for a millennium+ we've lost more land in the past 400 years than the previous 1,000, and we've absorbed the HG that lived here before we expanded, before the African humid period the only good habitable area in the Horn were the Ethiopian highlands, this the birthplace of E-M215.
Indeed, an ancient tradition.

I. M. Lewis (1959) highlights that the Gadabuursi were in conflict with the Galla during the reign of Ughaz Ali Makail Dera, during and after the campaigns against the Christian Abyssinians:

Ughaz Nur I, who was crowned in 1698, married Faaya Aale Boore who was the daughter of a famous Oromo King and Chief, Aale Boore.[2] Ughaz Nur I and Faaya Aale Boore gave birth to Ughaz Hiraab and Ughaz Shirdoon, who later became the 6th and 7th Ughaz respectively.[2] Aale Boore was a famous Oromo King, the victory of the former over the latter marked a historical turning point in concluding the Oromo predominance in the Eastern Hararghe region.[2]

The Gadabuursi managed to defeat and kill the next Oromo King after Aale Boore during the reign of Ughaz Roble I who was crowned in 1817. It is said that during his reign the Gadabuursi tribe reached great influence and tremendous height in the region, having managed to defeat the reigning Galla/Oromo King at that time whose name was Nuuno which struck a blow to the Galla's morale, due to their much loved King being killed. He was defeated by Geedi Bahdoon, also known as Geedi Malable. He struck a spear right through the King while he was in front of a tree, the spear pierced inside the tree making it not able for the King to escape or remove the spear. After he died he was buried in an area that's now called Qabri Nuuno near Sheedheer. In the picture already shared titled 'An old map featuring the Harrawa Valley in the Gadabuursi country, north of Harar' one can read Gabri Nono, which is the anglicized version of the Somali Qabri Nuuno.[2][7]
Does that mean we all have a bit of oromo in us? :mjlol:
That has been the status quo for a millennium+ we've lost more land in the past 400 years than the previous 1,000, and we've absorbed the HG that lived here before we expanded, before the African humid period the only good habitable area in the Horn were the Ethiopian highlands, this the birthplace of E-M215.
I'm curious how much Somali Hunter Gatherer ancestry do we have? I've seen it range from 5-10, it seems most of our SSA comes from Pre-Neolithic/Neolithic Sudan related to the Mesolithic Wadi Halfa people.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Even we expanded into a lot of territory. You can see this map from 1848. There were no Somalis on southern Juba
Somalis were also in the east and expanded to the south and west

No, it was not Somali territory, it was the land of Borana and they were marexaan,Og, dagoodi
They were just lucky because the bovine epidemic brought by the Europeans struck the Oromo livestock and the Somalis obtained rifles from the Omanis and Italians and exploited them because the Oromo had no coast to obtain rifles
The Oromo were very good at fighting, but the guns that the Somalis obtained were the reason for their defeat

Borana and the Orma themselves say they conquered the NFD and Waamo from somalis, they have it in their oral history.


Borana and the Orma themselves say they conquered the NFD and Waamo from somalis, they have it in their oral history.
Oral history does not tell us where those lands, the lands I'm talking about, are located in Dds,nfd,gado and lower juba
You are talking about gare They were invaded, but not all of the lands that the rest of the tribes lived on were theirs


The Afar always ruled ciise like Aussa Sultanate
Aussa sultanate was overtaken by the afar sultan but previously it was the Aussa Imamnate which was dir somali and successor to Adal.

Ciise ruled afar never the opposite way except for 2 instances I the 1800s which was backed by foreigners. One instance of "afar ruler" was just an ottoman lapdog for the region.

It's always the negromalians who got smoke for us Ciise and our civilised statemanship compared to your Somaliland or Puntland ect which are just rump states within Somalia.

Ciise classic 🇩🇯🇩🇯



Aussa sultanate was overtaken by the afar sultan but previously it was the Aussa Imamnate which was dir somali and successor to Adal.

Ciise ruled afar never the opposite way except for 2 instances I the 1800s which was backed by foreigners. One instance of "afar ruler" was just an ottoman lapdog for the region.

It's always the negromalians who got smoke for us Ciise and our civilised statemanship compared to your Somaliland or Puntland ect which are just rump states within Somalia.

Ciise classic 🇩🇯🇩🇯

Also side note, I remember when I was 13 I had an elderly Irish teacher ask me about my country and I said Djibouti, she said she remembers when the country was being independent and the newspapers said the country wouldn't last a few months before collapsing. She left off saying it was a beautiful country.

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Oromos are displacing and killing Somalis in Galbeed yet Somali government back home are welcoming them with open arms? we have really turned extremely weak uff.
Isn’t it weird how you’ll NEVER find a Somali that speaks Oromo but millions of Oromo learned Somali?
I was thinking that too. It’s because believe it or not Somalis aren’t into forced assimilation. The little diversity we have are able to practice their cultures in peace, a lot don’t know that much somali.

Ethiopia has forced assimilation, Oromos even take Amhara names. They’re embarrassed of their culture/language and are now have a revival of sorts. They learn Somali because they fall back to the assimilation tactics that kept them safe. Meanwhile Somalis are freaked out and think it’s creepy af. 🤣


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Does that mean we all have a bit of oromo in us? :mjlol:
It disappeared for me, my grandmother shows up as 24.7% Ethiopian, I was worried it was Oromo but turns out it was Afar.



This is mine.


I'm curious how much Somali Hunter Gatherer ancestry do we have? I've seen it range from 5-10, it seems most of our SSA comes from Pre-Neolithic/Neolithic Sudan related to the Mesolithic Wadi Halfa people.
Their population would have been small, probably similar to the hadza.
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