List the top 3 things you hate the most

If you did some actual research on the subject you'd know that there is no one singular form of communism and can have many branches like, anarcho/Marxist/communal etc
What you've described here seems like a communist state which I deeply oppose
none of them sound any good. There's a reason it never succeeded
Hate is such a strong word

But I hate the following
1. Winter/rainy gray season
2. Doing something uninteresting that doesn't challenge me be it physically or mentally
3. When someone keeps me waiting
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Macalin M

Out here
1.Uk somalis
2.Uk somalis that are SJWs
3 Uk somalis that are pro BLM
Hey man I have a hunch. I don’t know if it’s true or not but someone told me something outlandish. The claim was so outrageous I can’t believe it. Please tell me it isn’t true... see I hear you might hate UK Somalis....
Hey man I have a hunch. I don’t know if it’s true or not but someone told me something outlandish. The claim was so outrageous I can’t believe it. Please tell me it isn’t true... see I hear you might hate UK Somalis....

Yes you are in fact absolutely 100 percent as a matter of fact not wrong but instead you are really
and i mean it not half wrong but you are right

