Prince of Lasanod
Eid trim pending
Wallahi Morgan looks like some African American gang banger. 

At the end who is worst the man who burnt the corp or the man who rejected to deliver the UN ' S aid to the starving people?
Both of them are evil but in my opinion aideed is worst for rejecting passing the food from Mogadishu airport to baidoa. I am so sorry people of baidoa for your suffering.
USC will go down in history as the greatest liberation movement in Africa & Gen Caydiid (raximullah) will be remembered by all Somalis, north to south, as national liberator who freed his people from one of the most tyrannical, corrupt and despotic regimes in the world.
He will be known in history as a Barre wannabe that got shot by a HG teenager and died by a treatable wound because he killed all the doctors.Caydiid (AUN) did not deny food aid to the starving; his forces even fed the POWs he captured.
Here are USC commanders giving food & water to captured Morgan & Siad militias. Any other other rebel group would have rounded them up & shot them.
USC will go down in history as the greatest liberation movement in Africa & Gen Caydiid (raximullah) will be remembered by all Somalis, north to south, as national liberator who freed his people from one of the most tyrannical, corrupt and despotic regimes in the world.
He will be known in history as a Barre wannabe that got shot by a HG teenager and died by a treatable wound because he killed all the doctors.![]()
He will be known in history as a Barre wannabe that got shot by a HG teenager and died by a treatable wound because he killed all the doctors.
Caydiid (AUN) was not killed by Osman Atto (AUN), those were cheap rumors to create inter-hawiye conflict.The General that the toppled the regime, destroyed the USC, flattened Mogadishu, and met a death unbecoming of a hero, a death were he was slain by a 14yr old boy from his clan. It is even widely believed that his former close associate and cheif financier (osman caato) arranged for his murder.
The people who engineered this whole culture of indiscriminate killings, raping of women, poisoning of wells and killings of livestock & introduced it to Somalia, are none other than MSB's cronies.Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
In April 1992 the Somali National Front (SNF), containing remnants of ex-president Siad Barre's forces which had been driven out of Mogadishu over a year earlier, as well as other members of the Marehan clan of the Darod clan-family, fought back to within 50 kilometres of Mogadishu. In the process they reportedly committed the kind of atrocities for which the Siad Barre army had been notorious – killing civilians, burning homes, and killing and stealing livestock. Terror was directed particularly against non-Darod clans regarded as supporting the USC, such as Hawiye and Rahanwein communities around Baidowa and Afgoi (see diagram of Somali clans, page ii above). Details of the abuses are sketchy but surviving Rahanwein clan victims being treated later in hospital in Mogadishu had their noses and ears cut, and genital organs burnt with acid.