Liyuu police was attacked by Mareexaan militia


Wdym by crocodile tears? Why do they have to kill innocent people and harm? Doing their masters bidding. Who's tryna benefit from what? You are acting like their arent other groups of people that inhabit that land. All they want to do is provide for their families. Instead of bringing peace, the liyuu police during those times only brought harm. Powered by greed they turn against their fellow Somalis and harm them.
What conflict are you even talking about?? The source of fighting is always from the same problematic subclans. Ciise Garre, MJ Dhulo Degoodi, etc. never have these wars with the Ogaden or Liyu, and there are dozens more.

Am I to believe SL and Galmudug are leading anti-Ethiopian holy wars, or do I think they are just mooryaan trying to leverage their state militias, thinking the Liyu won't defend its borders on their clan grazing area?
I think I will have to clarify this like i did for @TheLand

Not only did Ogaden killb a gaaljecel on Marehan land believing him to be marehan, one day after the aformentioned murder Ogaden killed another person this time an actual MAREHAN MAN, a young gentlemen who went to Liyuu boolis to report the murder of a young boy! He was in fact a member of the neighbouring local community of Santarka Las Canod.

He went and visited the Liyuu encampment where he asked to speak to an officer in charge and was shot by Liyuu boolis after his family heard no word from him they decided to go and check on. They found his body at the encampment which was deserted what seemed like many hours before and in haste.

Shortly after this locals heard of Liyuu boolis reinforcements going to neighbouring Caleen where residents of said village had already began to pack up and leave fearing imminent danger due to just how large the number of reinforcements coming to their village they correctly assumed the Marehan would try and retailate against the Liyuu boolis.

They covenant was signed between Reer Warsame elders and Our own Ugaas who signed on aswell and your Makahiil elders who made a follow up visit where they made a declaration of friendship saying Ogaden and Marehan are walallo, the local Liyuu boolis commanding officer was signatory on the former and a witness to the latter.

I say Ogaden in the context the Liyuu boolis like you mentioned is the armed para millitary wing of your clan akin to the clan millitas everyone else has. The Liyuu boolis and by extension the Ogaden clan has broken their part of the treaty and the murderers of both the gaaljecel Reer miyi and the young gentlemen from our clan are still on the loose considering Liyuu is actively aiding and abbetting them.
If I believed everything a Marexaan fkder had told me, I'd believe Farmajo was a Rasuul sent by Allah. The Liyu and your clan militia differ in that Somali region authority stretches over all clans in SR. Your choosing to rebel at the drop of a hat has proven to be a recurring issue and is the reason why you're placed on the periphery in SR.

The Marexaan, Isaaq, and HG are some of the worst culprits in Somali politics, so it's no surprise when you factor they have a contiguous land border into Somalia. imo Cagjar should prepare an offensive against these militias and push the MX another 20 km towards Bali God. Although I'm sure the MX will put their hands up, unlike the ldoor they don't have the confidence to sustain a conflict past hit-and-runs.
What conflict are you even talking about?? The source of fighting is always from the same problematic subclans. Ciise Garre, MJ Dhulo Degoodi, etc. never have these wars with the Ogaden or Liyu, and there are dozens more.

Am I to believe SL and Galmudug are leading anti-Ethiopian holy wars, or do I think they are just mooryaan trying to leverage their state militias, thinking the Liyu won't defend its borders on their clan grazing area?

If I believed everything a Marexaan fkder had told me, I'd believe Farmajo was a Rasuul sent by Allah. The Liyu and your clan militia differ in that Somali region authority stretches over all clans in SR. Your choosing to rebel at the drop of a hat has proven to be a recurring issue and is the reason why you're placed on the periphery in SR.

The Marexaan, Isaaq, and HG are some of the worst culprits in Somali politics, so it's no surprise when you factor they have a contiguous land border into Somalia. imo Cagjar should prepare an offensive against these militias and push the MX another 20 km towards Bali God. Although I'm sure the MX will put their hands up, unlike the ldoor they don't have the confidence to sustain a conflict past hit-and-runs.
I wasn’t talking about SL or whatever your saying now. All I said was that the Liyuu Boolis are vile and have a history of mistreating/harming innocent people.


They are still colonial sell-outs but you got me. Still willing to give Awdal to Addis

Why do you think we made a rebel group. Why would we trade one set of sellouts for 4 more sets of sellouts dividing SR into pieces who will probably just quarrel with Ogadens instead of Ethiopians.

I welcome the Habar Awal to start the ldoor liberation front instead of watching the Arap get steamrolled from Xarshin like Cagjars good colonial subjects.

I wasn’t talking about SL or whatever your saying now. All I said was that the Liyuu Boolis are vile and have a history of mistreating/harming innocent people.
Liyu is a defunct name and organization that has since been 'reformed' into the Somali state forces. Its manpower is mostly new recruits from after 2018, and Iley's former circle running it has been phased out.

You lost me at "People are just trying to feed their families." You are uninformed and, in effect, a mooryaan apologist who likely wants SR to look like Ceerigaabo or Caabudwaaq, perhaps unknowingly.
Why do you think we made a rebel group. Why would we trade one set of sellouts for 4 more sets of sellouts dividing SR into pieces who will probably just quarrel with Ogadens instead of Ethiopians.

I welcome the Habar Awal to start the ldoor liberation front instead of watching the Arap get steamrolled from Xarshin like Cagjars good colonial subjects.
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Liyu is a defunct name and organization that has since been 'reformed' into the Somali state forces. Its manpower is mostly new recruits from after 2018, and Iley's former circle running it has been phased out.

You lost me at "People are just trying to feed their families." You are uninformed and, in effect, a mooryaan apologist who likely wants SR to look like Ceerigaabo or Caabudwaaq, perhaps unknowingly.
Whats a mooryan apologist. Idk how Ceerigaabo or Caabudwaaq looks like tbh. I was in the SR during the time Iley was in power and the Liyuu police were patrolling about. I have no fond memories of those wack jobs. They actively harmed families and no justice occurred. Changing the name wont change the animalistic ways of what they did. Idk why you are so heated with what I said.


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