Logical way to approach religion

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Pascal's Wager tells us to believe in a God because it will save us from hell.

Which God? There are thousands of Gods and every religion says they are the true faith.

There are contradictions in all faiths. Their books are full of contradictions.

Would a God have contradictions in his religion if it were really the true religion?
Honestly this is becoming a cyclical argument so i'll say this and walk away because there really is no end, and i don't believe i have sufficient enough time and knowledge to answer all your questions. But long story short, you're entitled to your belief. Pascal's wager is something that many atheist feel that religious people are using to attack them, but that isn't the case, least not with me. It's a simple gamble, and you can fall on either end of it. Pascal's wager doesn't expressly say you MUST convert and be a religious islamic-judeo-christian, which is the god Pascal was talking of, person. It's saying it's more beneficial to be one than to not be one. So don't get so defensive homes, you do you.
Honestly this is becoming a cyclical argument so i'll say this and walk away because there really is no end, and i don't believe i have sufficient enough time and knowledge to answer all your questions. But long story short, you're entitled to your belief. Pascal's wager is something that many atheist feel that religious people are using to attack them, but that isn't the case, least not with me. It's a simple gamble, and you can fall on either end of it. Pascal's wager doesn't expressly say you MUST convert and be a religious islamic-judeo-christian, which is the god Pascal was talking of, person. It's saying it's more beneficial to be one than to not be one. So don't get so defensive homes, you do you.

I defeated you. Go to bed


not so sad after all
there might be thousands of gods, but you don't need to take any of those seriously since really only the abrahamic faiths are ones based on revelation, and afterlife. you have religions like buddhism, that are purely spiritual, and sikh that was manmade (a mixture of hinduism and islam)-why would anyone waste their time looking into those along with all the random tree worshipping religions out there? best to just compare islam, judaism, and christianity. And judaism is an exclusive religion, so if you aren't a child of israel, you can't actually be a part of it. So it's really down to islam, christianity, atheism, or deism. christianity is a jumbled mess, so that really just leaves one of the three religions
The only logical way to approach religion is to disavow yourself of it altogether. We see that language, culture and religion is based on Geography. Everyone agrees language and cultures are man made yet why can't they assume the same goes for religion?


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I'd agree with @waraabe if there was only ONE religion in the world and everyone adhered to that But there are thousands of religions and gods. But I admire you for at least wanting to have the conversation. I wish you could openly discuss this in Somali circles without being criticised heavily. Have you tried to talk to your friends or family about this? They'd put Quran saar on you.
Pascal's wager has been debunked a million times and you can google the numerous ways it has been dubunked, no point me boring you with them but here are some of my own ones which I made up right now:

Belief in a religion just in the case it might be right is not acceptable in any religion as such a person would not be a true believer in any sense of the word. A true believer is someone like an ISIS fighter, willing to end his potentially one and only life for his belief. Such a person doesn't rely on nonsense like Pascal wager's "believe in it cause it might be true" bullshit, He KNOWS it is true.

Belief isn't a choice, yes I know it sounds crazy to a lot of you but one can only accept something to be a true fact if it is grounded in something like factual evidence or because of brainwashing as a child and the like, otherwise it would be extremely hard to achieve. Case in point, please try to convince yourself that the moon doesn't exist or that Ice isn't solid. Trust me, you will struggle [might take a couple of intakes of Shrooms].
I think I speak for most of humanity when I say we humans can't just believe in something just in the chance it might be true!

Anyway, how about this argument I made up. Pascals wager says we should believe in a religion just in case it might be true because we would endure a grave punishment if we are wrong but nothing if religion isn't true.

How about this opposite argument. What if we all [meaning all humans] stopped believing in religion? What if Islam just dies? (in this context). By doing so we would know that none of the current religions are true as they'd become non-existent. This way we get to live our lives without talks of superstition and we'd get to enjoy the one and only life we know exists. It would also be far more easier to achieve rather than waiting for an answer after we die (which might never come).

Alright then soldiers, lets get going. How many new apostates are we going to have in SSpot? Perhaps Waraabe should be the first. I mean this would only work if we all stopped believing, right? :)
Pascal's wager has been debunked a million times and you can google the numerous ways it has been dubunked, no point me boring you with them but here are some of my own ones which I made up right now:

Belief in a religion just in the case it might be right is not acceptable in any religion as such a person would not be a true believer in any sense of the word. A true believer is someone like an ISIS fighter, willing to end his potentially one and only life for his belief. Such a person doesn't rely on nonsense like Pascal wager's "believe in it cause it might be true" bullshit, He KNOWS it is true.

Belief isn't a choice, yes I know it sounds crazy to a lot of you but one can only accept something to be a true fact if it is grounded in something like factual evidence or because of brainwashing as a child and the like, otherwise it would be extremely hard to achieve. Case in point, please try to convince yourself that the moon doesn't exist or that Ice isn't solid. Trust me, you will struggle [might take a couple of intakes of Shrooms].
I think I speak for most of humanity when I say we humans can't just believe in something just in the chance it might be true!

Anyway, how about this argument I made up. Pascals wager says we should believe in a religion just in case it might be true because we would endure a grave punishment if we are wrong but nothing if religion isn't true.

How about this opposite argument. What if we all [meaning all humans] stopped believing in religion? What if Islam just dies? (in this context). By doing so we would know that none of the current religions are true as they'd become non-existent. This way we get to live our lives without talks of superstition and we'd get to enjoy the one and only life we know exists. It would also be far more easier to achieve rather than waiting for an answer after we die (which might never come).

Alright then soldiers, lets get going. How many new apostates are we going to have in SSpot? Perhaps Waraabe should be the first. I mean this would only work if we all stopped believing, right? :)

You wild pig STFU. @waraabe will not submit to your fantasy, atheist loving agendas. Unless he proves otherwise, of course.
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