Lonely Japanese elders are committing crimes to go to prison to socialize


♚Sargon of Adal♚
You judge a nation not on its wealth but on how they take care of the young and elderly, historically the Japanese have lived in large family homes where multiple generations lived together, since America reset them and forced them to change it's gone downhill.

The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
You judge a nation not on its wealth but on how they take care of the young and elderly, historically the Japanese have lived in large family homes where multiple generations lived together, since America reset them and forced them to change it's gone
Thats the price they payed for Pearl Harbor American colony for the rest of time the American occupation of 1945-1952 and the subsequent Americanization ruined them similar things are happening in South Korea

When there economy was about to overtake Americas Regan crippled them with the with the plaza accords can’t have the slave overtaking the master there economy has been stagnating ever since


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