Look at the Somali guys in the quotes saying we aren’t good looking

Yeah I know. But Somali guys nowadays have a lot of hatred for their own women online. I see these type of comments a lot from Somali guys. This new generation is gonna cause young Somali girls to hate you lot. Lol.
It’s just a minority who do this the vast majority of us respect our sisters

Internet Nomad

Its loud minority extremely online trolls because you don’t hear this type of rhetoric nowhere nearly as much as you do in the real world
English speaking Somali men and women are a weak link fasho. What ive witnessed on clubhouse twtr and tiktok. Think they were just bullied in london toronto and america. unnormal behaviour from both sides.

I remember the Bilan osman story goin viral on twtr not a single scandanavian engaging or giving attention too it. Just english speakin faraaxs🤣 this not a Somali issue but english speaking somali one.
Incels femcels exist everywhere! Im talking about group behaviour. You wont find a somali scandanavian tiktoker who speak in swedish insulting their own women or men for ajnabis. I can find u hundreds of uk ones.

fix your english speakin somalis, us scandanavian dont have issues with our gender relations nor qabyalad nor balons. clean your house instead of dragging the whole somali diaspora.
You are right bro Scandi Somalis are chill
Walahi I always used to log onto twitter to check my notifications but after scrolling abit I'd be seeing tweets that raise my blood pressure and I'd be typing away in arguments.
The website supports arguments and fighting it's how they generate engagement on twitter. It's a feature.

I recommend people to log off twitter and other socials that have this effect and read a book or go outside
My feed lately has been the riots in the uk
This is more than a gender war. This is a lined up psyop to cause chaos in society. This is a war against girls and women in ALL groups. In the UK last week, three young girls who were only children were murdered. That was femicide and I know that killer was probably consuming hateful anti-women content online. Every community has now a spike in redpill and extreme misogynistic content. Making young Somali girls feel undesirable is the least of it, these trolls also laughed at the death of Somali women, doxxed woman and they are all out hateful and dangerous hence calling this a ‘gender war’ is disingenuous.They want to break down Somali women and girls in every single way. Emotionally, psychology and even physically. I don’t doubt these lot also would want to see the girls they mock hurt.

FYI: Femcel don't exist. You don’t get girls laughing at the death of young men, you don’t get girls killing young boys/men and you don’t get girls all encouraging the dehumanization of men.

Whenever they brush the extreme sexism we have now in society as a gender war just know they’re trying to downplay it. Whenever these men go on about femcel, they’re trying to downplay it and make it seem like the aggression is equal.

See the big picture, this is more than just the Somali community. This even links in with the riots that’s kicking off in the UK as we speak as well. Even the extreme racism and hatred of other races is also linked into this. People like Tate who initially whipped up the misogyny of women is hiding behind racist sentiments throwing the Muslim community under the bus. I might sound paranoid, but look at the big picture. Monitor your daughters, monitor your sons.
You’ve hit the nail on the head,it’s divide and conquer and it’s a shame young Somali men fall for it,our forefathers must be rolling in their graves to see the sad state the young men have turned in to.


This makes my blood boil wish i was there I would have bashed him
It traumatised my sister for years. Alhamdullilah she moved on. A lot of somalo boys aren't raised right and that's why you will see these types who has no respect for women.


How bad are things,heard they’ll attack any black/brown person walking down the street.
Looking at videos from north england even with coloured people being minorities edl niggas still got mashed up. All they can do is loot Sainsburys and Tesco lmaoo


