looting all the city's water pipes and municipal infrastructure comes back to haunt Xamar residents

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No thank you dialy al shabaab bombings and amisom troops half of mogadisho still controlled by al shabaab doesnt sound fun, i guess you reap just what you sow

@coqnitivedissonance tuulo

Bosaso Puntland .


your villages look like this .you had peace for 30 years and your tuulos still look like shitholes
if you dont want to come to xamar is your loss :manny:
@father of the camel doesn't even have the decency to stop his qabyaalad in the holy month of Ramadan. mooriyan foqol mooriyan
says the little man that started this whole thread and the man that dedicated his whole life to bash other qabils what qabyaald am i spewing ? can you point that out ?look how you and your other brethren are talking about people and a city you propably havent seen or met in real life.
qabyalaad kulaha
negro plz .if you cant take the heat stay out the kitchen you dirac wearing little man.
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