Maakhir state


Forza Somalia!
Harti chimped out by attacking the city and are dealing with the consequences of their actions. Ceerigabo never belonged to you animals there is a reason you had no wells in it in the 1944 Somaliland protectorate survey. You were marti and now you are displaced. Cry
Horta why does every PL government that comes goes on mute and allows these people to run around with flags.

We did that with Sool and now even Buuhoodle lowered Puntlands flag.

This is all our incompetent politicians fault. Meeshi oo dhan maqaxi bey ka dhigeen wth!!!

Frustrated Headache GIF by Kelly Clarkson
What's worse is you'll see mid meesha kula soo ordayaa in hopes to divide Puntland and begs for support after they exited it.

I'm looking at you Dhulos with your SSC crap.

Ax, if only I had time to go back home and take matters into my own hands.


Warsangali are the biggest pussies in waqooyi. Apologize for housing huwan and we will give you your homes back. Dont let darood wiswaas fool you ceerigabo will be Isaaq dhul until qiyama as it has always been since the british founded it in the 1930s

Don't say the yowmul qiyaama word please that means till God wraps up this whole world as one and no more just individual deaths(akhiro) and final judgement takes place, dont say words like that lightly just say akhiro not Eternity(only god knows eternal hour) no man or jinn does.

If there is rule of law that safeguards safety, mutual survival, and shared peace, you know all darods will not care so much about politics which is secondary but if u guys insist on the we gonna displace you politics like hawiye as this is an irir political pact, we have no choice but to fight.

Stop acting all big and high on isaaq secession while your backpocket plan b is irir, and we know hawiye act big centralism but it's backpocket is irir(displace and disempower darod).

Isaaq is in a dream or riyo(kala tag) while hawiye is in disorder, these are the true realities of your ludicrous secession and centralism and oh yeah the kala fadhi(stalemate) 91 to 2024 is the common political reality plus this creates pressures with rahanwayn and oromo walking invasions laughing and geopolitic dharbaaxo. Kala fadhi can be a political.solution(federalism).

Hawiye and Isaaq have been pleaded with since 2004, imansada dhulkina iyo dadkina, be grateful for what you do have don't seek land or people who don't want you.
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No joke the Isaaq dude that I met while institutionalised reminded me of my dad wisdom, in sanity or insanity till death do us apart or gods will, always be grateful first for any little achievement even sleep or showering but this isaaq dude was still tripping as every non somali and somali were just doing their hail Mary or fatihas in private but delusional in public only(which they also believe strongly kinda like normal people believe strongly in education type of scale) but it's not unwavering. It's the one common rule in madness don't f*ck with ppl private or safe space or nest.

Isaaq dude is still tripping and spitting venom when there no place for that shit, you could never see reality dude is what I told him and he just responds I'm Habar Jecle abti dhulbahante this and that.

I kept rhyming quranic verse with my delusional 2pac vibes and was doing it in my private space and note taking. I also did it for hail Mary, cause I kept seeing them as mothers as fatiha is mother of the quran(gods word manifested) and hail Mary is mother of God they say jesus in body. Untill I learned ancient egyptian pre European and Arab invasion history, that shit went to another level.
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