No tax is collected from warsengeli areas you are mistaken and you are lying about Puntland feeling the way the treacherous cameey is talking there’s no such thing as darood it’s clear where your loyalty lies and it ain’t with Puntland that’s for sure but again I ask you what has farmaajo done for you people in sanaag?Aniga waxaan ahay nin Bah Majerteen. I support what Gaas has done with the economy and infrastructure as a reer puntlander. My taxes that is collected from Sanaag and Bari along with everyones taxes and hard work has built our land. At the same time i feel as the mamul puntland can do alot more for the union of Somalis. Its the most powerful mamul goobeled. So it should take its part in leading it forward. I like when Gaas was working with the Federal gov at first. I hate stalemate.
Camey said something that most reer puntlands would agree with. We want strong unity. Plus at this day Daroods should be working together from Fgs to jubaland to puntland.
Warsengeli are really no different to dhulbhante they loyalty lies with who ever pays them here’s wasirka gashandiga somaliland in hadhaftimo sanaag meeting suldaanka warsengeli this year
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