No mx has ever supported madhoobe they supported hiraale in 2013.
Janaan and the other clowns are playing psycho drama on Madhoobe
All Marexan said wa kabir believe Kismaayo is their new Boli qaran.A leopard never changes its spots.
It's simple MX time ruling Kismaayo is over the days of instability are over Madhoobe goes he will be replaced by Ogaden.
Also time for Farmajo to pack his bags and go to Addis ababa.
if another ogadeen would replace madoobe i don't think you guys would have all railed around him. truth be told, as long as kenya is in somalia madoobe will be there. the moment they leave you guys will pack your bags.
jubbaland is shared by district out of the 14 districts 7 is in gedo and are all MX majority. thyey are also Majority in kismaayo. the only district with ogadeen majority is afmadow.
the best thing ogadeen can hope for is VP position and even that is a stretch since bantu are way more then you and D&M also.