Madobe Changes Jubbaland Constitution In preparation for new term


Let him cook

Dj Khaled GIF


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Who was the one behind the rapid deforestation of kismayo? I saw pictures of large trucks of lumber is madoobe behind it?
He's the only Somali warlord out there so he will do whatever he wants as kismayo is completely under his control and idk what's so surprising about this news.


He is your last hope when it comes to Jubbaland. Its too diverse of a state. Blackie leaves and so does cagdheer influence kuwa dhagaxbuur iyo qabridahar ka yimid waala tarxiila eboow
Talk is cheap, you couldn’t even hold Xamar from your fellow qadaadweyn. I dont even see any non-Ogaden candidates and im mucaarad leaning.

Your limp wristed adeer likely wont even say a peep ive been saying this for years lol
Hawiye particularly Abgaal are incompetent past corruption scheming and thats what we want in office.

HSM was afraid to even utter Sayid Ahmeds name when listing off state leaders and missed elections :lolbron:


Talk is cheap, you couldn’t even hold Xamar from your fellow qadaadweyn. I dont even see any non-Ogaden candidates and im mucaarad leaning.

Your limp wristed adeer likely wont even say a peep ive been saying this for years lol
Sulub is getting the boot in the coming days

In somali politics you amount to nothing eboow like I said blackie is your last hope. He has only lasted this long because he makes kenya, uae and shabab alot of money

When the governship of Muqdisho is handed to the minorites only then can you bring up Xamar to me lol outside of somalia you are tap dancing adoons