Madoobe betrays Somali government and allied with Itoobiya in Gedo!

Kenya can be bought, he should use his political advantages or ban khat.
Kenya has more Somali MP's and Senators in their pocket then ulusow does. Kenya has about 100 of them in their pocket and they will vote whatever kenya says.

ulusow and his mafia gang also have properties in kenya. Ulusow is in no position to go against kenya, ulusow will submit like he always does.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Kenya has more Somali MP's and Senators in their pocket then ulusow does. Kenya has about 100 of them in their pocket and they will vote whatever kenya says.

ulusow and his mafia gang also have properties in kenya. Ulusow is in no position to go against kenya, ulusow will submit like he always does.
Its over then, they will just threaten to confiscate his properties :damn:


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
You see what happens when your a nacas puppet that asks for atmis to stay instead of committing to troop drawdown with the goal of replacing them with Somali troops? You get xooged that’s what. HSM is beholden to what these niggas say, dameer who has 68iq because of his cambuulo exclusive diet can’t fathom dowladnimo so he pays the price.

pathetic display from gurgurte. Trying to beg UAE and Kenya for support when they’re only there to neutralize AS. Where’s your own troops????? Nacas nacas daley


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
learn from liibaxa. Send Somali troops coming out of a chopper to arrest madobe in Kenya, where they sleep. Shooting at Kenyans who try to protect madobe

Star Trek Tuxedo GIF by Paramount+


The mask finally slips
Jubbaland needs this karbash. Maybe it will wake region up from sleep. ATMIs and foreign troops will one day betray madobe and state. Better to wake up and clear land otherwise give power to HSM and let him try something different
Jubbaland needs this karbash. Maybe it will wake region up from sleep. ATMIs and foreign troops will one day betray madobe and state. Better to wake up and clear land otherwise give power to HSM and let him try something different
You are running too fast sxb your masar fell off
The Office Lol GIF

Garaad Awal

Former African
The Blue Flag Nationalists who run their mouth daily about SL are nowhere to be found. When will Somalians drive foreign forces out of their country like men?


The Blie Flag Nationalists who run their mouth daily about SL are nowhere to be found. When will Somalians drive foreign forces out of their country like men?
The funny thing is madobe and Laftagaren signed this document saying Ethiopia was trespassing on Somali rights due to somaliland deal. This all the while when they have thousands of Ethiopian and Kenya troops on their land and routinely side with them over fgs. These fms all want to be Somaliland secretly , become state that can tell fgs to F off but they can’t do it with own two nuts


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The funny thing is madobe and Laftagaren signed this document saying Ethiopia was trespassing on Somali rights due to somaliland deal. This all the while when they have thousands of Ethiopian and Kenya troops on their land and routinely side with them over fgs. These fms all want to be Somaliland secretly , become state that can tell fgs to F off but they can’t do it with own two nuts
View attachment 347368
Wow this is crazy, they literally admit to being dabaqoodhi for Itoobiy by signing this. They cannot escape their fate in Kilinka5aad and NFD so now want to Itoobiyanize and Kenyize Somalia. We must resist!
The funny thing is madobe and Laftagaren signed this document saying Ethiopia was trespassing on Somali rights due to somaliland deal. This all the while when they have thousands of Ethiopian and Kenya troops on their land and routinely side with them over fgs. These fms all want to be Somaliland secretly , become state that can tell fgs to F off but they can’t do it with own two nuts
View attachment 347368
Ignore that attention seeking clown. He’s talking about driving foreign forces out while we have been balls deep in Somaliland for over a year. When will he ask us to pull out?
Happy Hip-Hop GIF by T-Pain


Ignore that attention seeking clown. He’s talking about driving foreign forces out while we have been balls deep in Somaliland for over a year. When will he ask us to pull out?
Happy Hip-Hop GIF by T-Pain
There is no foreign troops there, somalis always had qabil and degans occupied by certain clans. This true everywhere. Somaliland can’t be compared to jubbaland and sws they another level of failure . Ignore somali land independence talk it’s not realistic , other than that they are beacon for what FMS should look like . Their state building and institutions should be emulated
There is no foreign troops there, somalis always had qabil and degans occupied by certain clans. This true everywhere. Somaliland can’t be compared to jubbaland and sws they another level of failure . Ignore somali land independence talk it’s not realistic , other than that they are beacon for what FMS should look like . Their state building and institutions should be emulated
It’s a breakaway region that considers itself a separate country therefore following their logic any troops from a neighboring country are foreign occupying forces.


It’s a breakaway region that considers itself a separate country therefore following their logic any troops from a neighboring country are foreign occupying forces.
Somalia will never be broken up. It’s pointless discussion and topic. It will be opening up pandora box and create a million new problems

My process is like this if you are stable FMS with no foreign troops like somaliland and puntland you have every right to tell fgs to F off and not give up power to a bunker govt. let those two do as they want because you as fgs don’t have one metric you can beat them in and any success you can impart on them

my issue is with states who stuck in same place forever that are occupied by al shabab and foreign troops. who spread misery and terrorism to rest of nation. Jubbland and SwS are cancer. I’ve already seen they can’t dig themselves out of hole so don’t feel bad for them now HSM putting pressure on them. He is only president actually went to war with Al shabab and challenging Ethiopia status quo. Small chance he succeedes but better than 0% with current course



Kenya doesn't listen to ulusow. Kenya will do what Kenya does which is to protect Ahmed Madoobe.

Ulusow is a munaafiq. Madoobe hasn't changed one bit. Madoobe today is the same madoobe of 2019 and 2013.
You people don’t know when to give up. Put Kenya Xamar etc all to the side. You and I know each other and the reality is geeri baan ka xignaa seeing you guys in Kismayo again. You will have to walk over our dead bodies to come back to this city. Xishoodkii baa naga dhammaaday. Never again, agah


Jubbaland needs this karbash. Maybe it will wake region up from sleep. ATMIs and foreign troops will one day betray madobe and state. Better to wake up and clear land otherwise give power to HSM and let him try something different
After this I’m sure we won’t see SNA in Jubaland ever again


Somalia will never be broken up. It’s pointless discussion and topic. It will be opening up pandora box and create a million new problems

My process is like this if you are stable FMS with no foreign troops like somaliland and puntland you have every right to tell fgs to F off and not give up power to a bunker govt. let those two do as they want because you as fgs don’t have one metric you can beat them in and any success you can impart on them

my issue is with states who stuck in same place forever that are occupied by al shabab and foreign troops. who spread misery and terrorism to rest of nation. Jubbland and SwS are cancer. I’ve already seen they can’t dig themselves out of hole so don’t feel bad for them now HSM putting pressure on them. He is only president actually went to war with Al shabab and challenging Ethiopia status quo. Small chance he succeedes but better than 0% with current course

View attachment 347377
With all due respect sxb, yaa adi wax kaa weyddiini?
Somalia will never be broken up. It’s pointless discussion and topic. It will be opening up pandora box and create a million new problems

My process is like this if you are stable FMS with no foreign troops like somaliland and puntland you have every right to tell fgs to F off and not give up power to a bunker govt. let those two do as they want because you as fgs don’t have one metric you can beat them in and any success you can impart on them

my issue is with states who stuck in same place forever that are occupied by al shabab and foreign troops. who spread misery and terrorism to rest of nation. Jubbland and SwS are cancer. I’ve already seen they can’t dig themselves out of hole so don’t feel bad for them now HSM putting pressure on them. He is only president actually went to war with Al shabab and challenging Ethiopia status quo. Small chance he succeedes but better than 0% with current course

View attachment 347377
I don’t view his war on Shabaab as legitimate, I think he just wanted to create an illusion while working on rigging the constitution and consolidating power. That is why he ran back to Xamar in the middle of the ‘war’ to change the constitution. It was a dead giveaway as to his priorities. Now that he ‘changed’ the constitution he doesn’t even pretend to fight Shabaab anymore. He got rid of Mahad Salad who did a good job with Xamar security for political reasons and brought in clowns and mooriyaan like Sanbaloolshe and Princess Diana. Now Shabaab is at his doorstep bombing beaches and restaurants and assassinating anyone who installs a security camera. I view neither he nor Farmaajo as sincere and legitimate but Dhiiqo is less dangerous because he is unable to plan long term and is not serious.
After this I’m sure we won’t see SNA in Jubaland ever again
Why were they there in the first place? Some people view Madoobe as some master politician but you could see this coming from a mile away. It should never have been accepted. The ATMIS at the airport needs to go too.
You people don’t know when to give up. Put Kenya Xamar etc all to the side. You and I know each other and the reality is geeri baan ka xignaa seeing you guys in Kismayo again. You will have to walk over our dead bodies to come back to this city. Xishoodkii baa naga dhammaaday. Never again, agah

Shabaab would take over within couple of hours. You hold jack shit waryaa.