madoobe says federal government acting like alshabab

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
i placed that adoon there, he can be changed at will, controlled by us

did you hear the team macalim Mohamed slapped him like a
The audacity!

Here's your adoon uncle and his master.

Madoobe: Oh sir can I please get another bowl of porridge.
Kenyan soldier: You've been a bad slave, I will think about giving you some food.

The audacity!

Here's your adoom uncle and his master.

Madoobe: Oh sir can I please get another bowl of porridge.
Kenyan soldier: You've been a bad slave, I will think about giving you some food.


dont make me bring a video of cabdullahi yusuf being slapped like a by gabre,


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
go and read the posts, he came in with hooyada waas 3 times before i retaliated, he insulted OG continuously,

i am warning you, do not insult my linage again, i will play the adult for now, i understand he is your cousin, but by God i will not hold back next time reiko,

dont insult my nasab lieange, i will hold my fingers from typing them for now,

if you dont want your people insulted, talk to your crazy cousin who goes willy nilly thinking he will get away with it,

i never cried, just because i am not stepping to your standards dont mean i cried, your female, if you want to be insulted join the saff,

you have been warned, deal with your lost dog
@Ferrari use to call Abdi iley gaal just like the ONLF leader who is also reer isaaq use to call Abdi iley gaal but today cagjar Who is reer isaaq is being supported by ONLF leader and @Ferrari cause they are reer isaaq

It’s sad reer cabdile have become lama ooyan Abdi iley is in prison and reer cabdile girls are getting raped by reer isaaq men who are the leaders now of DDSI
Tell me how comes ogaden are easy to use? When Abdi iley was president the leader of ONLF was reer isaaq, he use to call Abdi iley a murtad a gaal but today his cousin cagjar is the leader ONLF supports the ethiopian government :chrisfreshhah:

When Abdi iley was president @Ferrari use to diss iley and call him a gaal but today his cousin who is also reer isaaq is president notice he supports cagjar kkk

Reeer cabdile have become lama ooyan betrayed by your own cousins such in the back:trumpsmirk:

I respect @Ferrari cause he supports cagjar cause he is reer isaaq like him but you are reer cabdile and you are treated as lama ooyan by reer isaaq Who are killing your men and raping your women :chrisfreshhah:

if your gona lie come up with sowemthing smart and intellegence and factual

your still a half bantu adooon

such a shame yuor people in somali region have to pick between guuus cabdulle and reer isaaq, both mohamed zubeer, what a guun low life, :mjlol::drakelaugh:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
dont make me bring a video of cabdullahi yusuf being slapped like a my gabre,

Kenyan soldier: hey shit face, stop blowing into those innocent cow's ass.

Madoobe: but that's my culture sir, we blow into the cow's ass to show gratitude.

Kenyan soldier: don't make me repeat myself again.

if your gona lie come up with sowemthing smart and intellegence and factual

your still a half bantu adooon

such a shame yuor people in somali region have to pick between guuus cabdulle and reer isaaq, both mohamed zubeer, what a guun low life, :mjlol::drakelaugh:
ina adeer kan waa mid irbadaysan ee wakhti ha'isaga lumin.
haa hada ka hor buu kobtan soo dhigay isago gacmaha ka xidhan, oo weliba hospital gown xidhan.:drakelaugh:

markay irbad ku dhuftaan buu soo miyirsadaa.

allaha caafiyo, dadka waalan yaanan ku mashquulin .

he kept asking me to place my picture in here, no wonder,

may Allah help me get cure for his illness masiinka,

waa maskiiin these people are under our protection in jubaland and somali region, we must forgive them and be patiencte, God placed them under our trust

massive hate he has for the beesha though, maybe a qalanjo of ours rejected him,
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
With Kenya vs Somalia in ICJ, recent detoriation of Somalia-Kenya relations with the return of Wajir detour for Nairobi bound flights.

Soon KDF will be requested to be changed by a more neutral entity, I for one can't wait for that to happen.
With Kenya vs Somalia in ICJ, recent detoriation of Somalia-Kenya relations with the return of Wajir detour for Nairobi bound flights.

Soon KDF will be requested to be changed by a more neutral entity, I for one can't wait for that to happen.

how about 20,000 liyu police,

kulaha kenya must be changed to neutral, just say a bantu nation you can influence
With Kenya vs Somalia in ICJ, recent detoriation of Somalia-Kenya relations with the return of Wajir detour for Nairobi bound flights.

Soon KDF will be requested to be changed by a more neutral entity, I for one can't wait for that to happen.
won't make a difference tbh, when barre hiiraale got chased broad day light, kenya wasn't there.

how about 20,000 liyu police,

kulaha kenya must be changed to neutral, just say a bantu nation you can influence
he's okay with his president influencing elections using Ethiopian soldiers, but lectures us on impartial/fair peacekeeping soldiers.:francis:

sxb ragan qori caaradii waxaan ahayn ma garanayaan.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
how about 20,000 liyu police,

kulaha kenya must be changed to neutral, just say a bantu nation you can influence

Madoobe came by the gun and will leave by diplomacy. What a checkmate it will be! See you August!
Madoobe came by the gun and will leave by diplomacy. What a checkmate it will be! See you August!

when he decides to go, and we decide that insha Allah, his Ogaden race, another Ogaden will come to rule jubaland and marehans

your just choosing between which wolf will eat you
Madoobe came by the gun and will leave by diplomacy. What a checkmate it will be! See you August!
It’s called "came by the gun, has to leave by the gun."

Kulaha "leave by diplomacy", war wuxuu ileen waa naag, war ma naag bu Axmed Madoobe kaa dhigay hooge:siilaanyolaugh:
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