Madows must go back to their origin country Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique

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Southie pride
Check this video.

Barnaamij ku saabsan isxureynta somali bantu

Waa dad badanahay Somali ceeji lee kudileena. lol

Adaa yaabeysid.
Didn't understand what was he saying, but read the description of the video.
question is. How can Somali Bantus get their Own Country, Rights, and Freedom. Because in Somalia, Somali bantus live in nine states of Somali and not even in one state is their a Somali Bantu State Leader/President. Not even in the future do Somali LAMAGOODLES or President of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamed want their to be a Somali Bantu State Leader.

Yo @nucleus and @Hubble See what i mean video full proof, am i now paranoid when bantus are longing to create a seperate state in the South called ''Gosha Land'' claiming the whole place want to rule Somalia politically (what kind of entitledment) and trying to push propaganda re-writing history. Taking up arms in hopes to mass murder us.

Look how they are even calling us lamagoodles in all captions:ulachen001::ulachen001: while dhoqon qaaxooti in the comment section spread their buttcheeks for them saying ''Bantu waa dadka igu fiicaan'' to a video that insults them racially. :snoop:

yab yab ka buuxa:uCkf6mf:
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I mean everything they say for sympathy is bulshitt and they all say the same things, its like a script they give to every bantu to have people going '' Waa Maasaakiin'' and ''Somalis are racist and Arab wannabes''. In their laps to make us the victimizers and them the victims. While they are plotting to kill us. Some racist ''Hitlerish crap going on here'' on their part.

Walahi you may think i am overracting but i have never met anyone more conniving and so adapt at propaganda, identity politics so full of entitiledment then these bantu with the help of white liberals they manage to draw in a dozen of ''Useful Idiots'' to unknowingly spread their message of Bantu Supremacy over Somalia.

A couple of months ago i was warning about this same thing and i was brushed off as if i was speaking from paranoia and hate, but right now you see video evidence clear as day what their agenda is.
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You all should leave your western countries and go back to Somali.

I dont get the hate for Bantu. I mean they were literally kidnapped from their home country to be sold as slaves in somalia or to the arabs. The Bantus left in somalia er descendant of the last slaves. We bought them to somali to use them and sell them as sex slaves, and when slavery ended we want to kick them out? Where to??? They are born in somali, their parents was born in somalia, their grandparents was born somalia. They do not know any other country.
You all should leave your western countries and go back to Somali.

I dont get the hate for Bantu. I mean they were literally kidnapped from their home country to be sold as slaves in somalia or to the arabs. The Bantus left in somalia er descendant of the last slaves. We bought them to somali to use them and sell them as sex slaves, and when slavery ended we want to kick them out? Where to??? They are born in somali, their parents was born in somalia, their grandparents was born somalia. They do not know any other country.
stop trying to play on refugees sentiment to make a case. there is a difference between a first world nation that voluntarily accepts refugees into their population and the bantu presence in somalia. their homelands are known and they should go back and be accepted by their own people. same should happen to all somalis that didnt intermarry with the natives and look white now. when the tribal bs ends.
stop trying to play on refugees sentiment to make a case. there is a difference between a first world nation that voluntarily accepts refugees into their population and the bantu presence in somalia. their homelands are known and they should go back and be accepted by their own people. same should happen to all somalis that didnt intermarry with the natives and look white now. when the tribal bs ends.

This is backward thinking is exactly why i think Somalia will be stuck as it is right now. Get over you self and your superiority complex.
Imagine if the USA started kicking out AA. Thats what you want to do...
This is backward thinking is exactly why i think Somalia will be stuck as it is right now. Get over you self and your superiority complex.
Imagine if the USA started kicking out AA. Thats what you want to do...
again stop comparing a world power with a total different history to somalia. :ftw9nwa: somalia actually belongs to somalis unlike the white people that used bantus for slavery in the usa. :rolleyes: havent you seen by now what whites are capable of doing when they perceive you as a threat to their national security?? somalia is unstable and poor as f*** and now you have a growing bantu population that wants to have a say in national affairs, picking up arms, claiming lands etc. etc. If anything somalis are like the native americans. fractioned by tribalism, poor technologic development, no national army, money hungry, corrupt and signing deals with foreigners that are against other clans/national interest. Thats a fatal mistake against an organised foreign population that has proven to concur in history (whites AND bantus). With support of foreign bantus this will be worse in future. Oh wait there are already bantu like african military forces in somalia already :siilaanyolaugh:

I dont even have a superiority complex at all. somalia belongs to somalis. not italians, not french, not bantus. just pick up them bantu bags and go home in peace and be with the people you were displaced off by money hungry human traffickers and retarded arabs.
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This is backward thinking is exactly why i think Somalia will be stuck as it is right now. Get over you self and your superiority complex.
Imagine if the USA started kicking out AA. Thats what you want to do...
The only backward and regressive is your own rainbow mentaliy.

Its Not comparable at all. Bantus are very very recent Unlike the african americans they were excluded, retained their language,culture , tribal names and actually know where they came from.:camby:

Its not deportation,its "Repatriation" reinstating them in their homeland no different than the Jews in isreal.

Tanzania: Bantu Homecoming



Bunch of insecure focks. Leave these innocent minorities alone, they have already suffered enough.

If you think your doing good for somalia by insulting minorities then you have issues
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