Mahad Salad Resigns


What do you care about? In JL you don't agree with Ahmed Blacks maamul waa ku dayacan tahay and you dont care about GM either. Have you give up hope on Somalia and will just keep hoping for destruction and chaos?

I'm pretty sure HG, Duduble, Murusade, Sheikhal Loobage, Dir etc wont oppose any freezing out of marexaan if it comes to that and you can't do anything about it eboow
I forgot Duduble even they outnumber Waceysle in GM.

Wacaeylse are like Madhibaan, Sheekhaal etc in GM walahi bilahi waxaa la yaabanahay sidee Senate ku heystaan waxeena qaaten xiligi XSM previous terms if I remember correctly.

Anyway MX didn't fall from the sky Hawiyo waa is naqaana wiligeena Hawiyo iyo Mareexaan kiligiis soma aheyn.

Lets see niyow the Hawiyo lead FGS is in shambles I don't doubt Galnus and Hirshabelle will also fall apart soon waana soo dhaweenaya laakin ogoow samiqeybsiga Mareexaan micno malaha haduusan dal jirin ama Galnus la burburiyo anigana awoodaas baa leeyahay VITO POWER.


GM by population
1. MX
2. Cayr
3. Sacad
4. Saleebaan
5. Murursade
6. Dir

His Waceysle are not even on the list waxee la mid yihin Madhibaan
The fact that you are magan to Hawiye in this maamul shows when you seperate hg into individual subs against marexaan:heh: and then complain about a subclan of Abgaal isadkeey eboow :mjkkk:


Forza Somalia!

We welcome Sanbaloolshe appointment

All waceysle MPs have come out after HSMs visit to Xarardheere and Ceel Dheer and have called for a restructuring of Galmudug. Galgaduuds coast in its entirety is Waceysle. 40% of the southern mudug coast. Majority of GM offshore oil is in their land.

Middle Shabelle border with Galgaduud for the most part is clear we will see a new Galmudug. Adiga Marehan you are small fry and are of no benefit to the state lets be honest you got the vp because eastern galgaduud and xarardheere were held hostage by khawaarij.
They want somone from their clan to be the president simply for being from their clan, not for actually doing something useful.
I wouldn't be suprised if this Al-Shabaab double agent resigned because his cousin the Al-Shabaab leader Mahad Karate got bombed and probably died.


The fact that you are magan to Hawiye in this maamul shows when you seperate hg into individual subs against marexaan:heh: and then complain about a subclan of Abgaal isadkeey eboow :mjkkk:
reer gobol miyaa na moodey hawiyo dadkaan raran jirnay soma ahan ma anigaa kala garan waaye kii beeraha ka shaqeyn jiray kii krishboyga ahaa kii suuliga qodi jiray waa idin kala garaneyna.

Mareexaan waa ina Sade Darood, wuxuuna la siman yahay Sacad, Cayr, iyo Salebaan. Waceysle adiguu abgaal kula yahay oo qiraya inuu magan Habar Gidir yahay aniga cidna magan uma ihi wiligeena uma noqon.


reer gobol miyaa na moodey hawiyo dadkaan raran jirnay soma ahan ma anigaa kala garan waaye kii beeraha ka shaqeyn jiray kii krishboyga ahaa kii suuliga qodi jiray waa idin kala garaneyna.

Mareexaan waa ina Sade Darood, wuxuuna la siman yahay Sacad, Cayr, iyo Salebaan. Waceysle adiguu abgaal kula yahay oo qiraya inuu magan Habar Gidir yahay aniga cidna magan uma ihi wiligeena uma noqon.
Isheeg magaalada aad welwel la'aan ku noolaan kartid adigoo marexaan ah welibo reer booli qaran dhashooda? War waalidkaaga iyo kuwi ka horeeye aa dalka ku soo raaxeestay. Unuga dan kama lahin meel aad adigu degto xamar na sidi ey camal aad wadada kula mara

Siyaasada somalia iska iloowa ee tuuloyiinka aad ka timid ku mashquul. Hawiye hadaa nahay agteena wax kama tahiin


Isheeg magaalada aad welwel la'aan ku noolaan kartid adigoo marexaan ah welibo reer booli qaran dhashooda? War waalidkaaga iyo kuwi ka horeeye aa dalka ku soo raaxeestay. Unuga dan kama lahin meel aad adigu degto xamar na sidi ey camal aad wadada kula mara

Siyaasada somalia iska iloowa ee tuuloyiinka aad ka timid ku mashquul. Hawiye hadaa nahay agteena wax kama tahiin
Caabudwaaq = MX ma laga faano even I as 3rd generation Kismaayo/Xamari waa ku faana Caabudwaaq.

But Hawiyaha Xamar joogo iska daa gobolada ee ka imaaden xitaa qabiilkod wee ka faanan and they prefer Xamar identity much more.

Waayo Xamar wax xaar aheyn miyaa ku soo korisay ?

finally Caabudwaaq ha u baqin eebow
Menelik 2nd 1800s
Haile Selassi 1930s
Mengistu 1980s
UCS 1990s
Alshabab presently

none of them captured Caabudwaaq eebow, dad dameer dhaqo ma degana geelay oo xabada rido ba joogo.


Caabudwaaq = MX ma laga faano even I as 3rd generation Kismaayo/Xamari waa ku faana Caabudwaaq.

But Hawiyaha Xamar joogo iska daa gobolada ee ka imaaden xitaa qabiilkod wee ka faanan and they prefer Xamar identity much more.

Waayo Xamar wax xaar aheyn miyaa ku soo korisay ?

finally Caabudwaaq ha u baqin eebow
Menelik 2nd 1800s
Haile Selassi 1930s
Mengistu 1980s
UCS 1990s
Alshabab presently

none of them captured Caabudwaaq eebow, dad dameer dhaqo ma degana geelay oo xabada rido ba joogo.
Caabudwaaq intee la dhahaa? Xaageese ka tirsan tahay? Sheekoyiinka aad dhexdiina isku sheegtaan ilkΓ yareey ha noola imaanin fadlan.

Xamar wax aad ku lee dahay malahan, wax aan bahdil aheen kaagama horeeyaan ee isku tasho ilkΓ yareey. Xamar unuka iskaleh


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Caabudwaaq intee la dhahaa? Xaageese ka tirsan tahay? Sheekoyiinka aad dhexdiina isku sheegtaan ilkΓ yareey ha noola imaanin fadlan.

Xamar wax aad ku lee dahay malahan, wax aan bahdil aheen kaagama horeeyaan ee isku tasho ilkΓ yareey. Xamar unuka iskaleh
You think we care about Xamar? It’s Bantu majority now and protected by Bantus and infested with terrorists and mooryaans. Cabudwaaq is way safer.


You were keenadiids subject and even a part of you who were magan to murusade became magan to waceysle and you are still think you can talk shit about waceysle πŸ’€
Many of these booli qaran darood offspring except LLk and sections of dhulbahante & OG have an inflated ego due to rubbish they are in fed within their households from a very young age. Its all baseless and they do not dare to utter the words they type online irl, young and old waa iska ciyaarayaan lol


You think we care about Xamar? It’s Bantu majority now and protected by Bantus and infested with terrorists and mooryaans. Cabudwaaq is way safer.
I don't think you care about Xamar where you're treated like a .5. I was simply answering @Dalalos_ibn_Adali who said 'reer gobol maa na moodey' yes the only cities you have small numbers of residents are Kismaayo and Xamar. You're subjugated in both and unable to freely do as you please whether it is buying land or opening a business. Rent fair enough eboow You have to jump through 10Γ— as many hoops as the people native to those cities to achieve anything lol. If Caabudwaaq is safe, stay there then xamar iyo kismaayo wax ku ma yaalaan


I don't think you care about Xamar where you're treated like a .5. I was simply answering @Dalalos_ibn_Adali who said 'reer gobol maa na moodey' yes the only cities you have small numbers of residents are Kismaayo and Xamar. You're subjugated in both and unable to freely do as you please whether it is buying land or opening a business. Rent fair enough eboow You have to jump through 10Γ— as many hoops as the people native to those cities to achieve anything lol. If Caabudwaaq is safe, stay there then xamar iyo kismaayo wax ku ma yaalaan
Kismaayo iska badaa waa magaalo darood, Xamar aka bombadishu ma adigaa iska leh dameerow ?

@TekNiKo inadeer outside of Xamar we have Caabudwaaq, Beledxaawo, Bardheer, Doollow and countless other major towns, dameerka has zero zilch even Jowhar waxaa ka taliyo Afuufu Afaafa:russ:


The only thing out of norm is those UAE guys being killed little while ago did cause domino effect who knows since they provide so much funds and Influenxe

