Mahad salad the new Kulane in Gedo

Gedo region will continue being militarily occupied by NISA unless changes are made. NISA Head Mahad salad will replace Abdullahi Kulane as the new kingpin of the region using NISA Authority. All the taxes collected from the nearby towns & checkpoints in Daawo area will be shared between Mahad salad & Hassan sheikh Mohamud.

Beesha Farmaajo will now have to decide whether to accept Ogaden’s rule in Jubbaland or be militarily occupied from Mogadishu by HAG 😁

Welcome your new Boqor @TekNiKo @Dalalos_ibn_Adali @Waaqmasho @cow

Gedoland always works with the FGS and we’ll continue working with Mogadishu. Plus how is Gedo occupied by Somali troops? Go free your people man cuz we are free in GL!
I’m getting sources that HAG wants to add Gedo region into Koonfur Galbeed so they can easily steal Lower Shabelle region for ‘Banadir state’.
Marehans have 19 Mps under Jubbaland in southwest state it will decrease to 4.
If Koonfur Galbeed was beneficial to Darood then Absame in Bakool would’ve benefited a long time ago

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Oh you would love that wouldn’t you? We’re here to stay, you’re willing to give away the state we forcefully took from you because the guys running it are too dangerous to keep. I know you’re worried, so keep on worrying. We haven’t even gotten started yet :dead:

we are not the ones giving it away. Anyways HAG wants to incorporate Luuq,Doolow, and Beledxaawo into KGS giving southwest state a small border line with Kenya. Garbahareey and the surrounding villages are not included since it holds no economic significance. Baardheere will not be included as well because the Ogaden natives will not allow such theft to take place in their land.


I’m getting sources that HAG wants to add Gedo region into Koonfur Galbeed so they can easily steal Lower Shabelle region for ‘Banadir state’.
Marehans have 19 Mps under Jubbaland in southwest state it will decrease to 4.
If Koonfur Galbeed was beneficial to Darood then Absame in Bakool would’ve benefited a long time ago

Interesting news. Any sources on Gedo?

I heard from people who know Mahad Salad he wants L.Shabelle annexed by Banadir but I’m not sure if HSM is willing to start a clash with KG,JL,PL so early.
I love to see all the laangaabs unite because I ruled over them for many decades and now they finally feel free. You’re all pusśies but we won when it was Muslim vs Marehan and we’ll win again because RN it’s only laangab vs Marehan. :pachah1:
Smoke Smoking GIF by Mateo LAW$


I love to see all the laangaabs unite because I ruled over them for many decades and now they finally feel free. You’re all pusśies but we won when it was Muslim vs Marehan and we’ll win again because RN it’s only laangab vs Marehan. :pachah1:
Smoke Smoking GIF by Mateo LAW$
Wariya talk about the issue at hand. Mahad is planning L.Shabbelle+Banadir and Gedo is the bargain. You complain about OG occupation so you should consider the offer of joining your ‘brothers’ Elaay.
Wariya talk about the issue at hand. Mahad is planning L.Shabbelle+Banadir and Gedo is the bargain. You complain about OG occupation so you should consider the offer of joining your ‘brothers’ Elaay.
Mahad ain’t shit, Caydid couldn’t stay in Gedo and got chased out. Come try me son :dead:
Interesting news. Any sources on Gedo?

I heard from people who know Mahad Salad he wants L.Shabelle annexed by Banadir but I’m not sure if HSM is willing to start a clash with KG,JL,PL so early.

Any security changes made in Gedo region will be monitored by Ethiopian forces. The Ethiopian National army has been in control of Gedo region since 1994, so it’s predicted that they will advise HSM to select the new NISA head of the region who will in return be loyal to the Ethiopian military. Hassan sheikh Mohamud is rumored to be heading to Adis Ababa in the coming days. Southwest state & Gedo region are the 2 places in Somalia where the Ethiopian regime has a full on military presence.


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