war waa hawiye ninku.Correction: He is Jaarso.
dont look at where he was born to get an insight of his clan.
I think he's habar gidir.
war waa hawiye ninku.Correction: He is Jaarso.
So you're telling me that the Minneapolis local news site's cadaan editorial staff fabricated this story? For what? To score fkd points against your clan?
You're a child molester sympathizer, plain and simple. Stop hiding behind such a pathetic defense.
This is the west, not Africa. Courts and news outlets don't just make things up.He's a black muslim man, you know why.
Your concerns for rape victims are needed in Puntland.This is the west, not Africa. Courts and news outlets don't just make things up.
He is on tape admitting to child rape and fled justice after his clan paid for his bail. These are the facts and your mental gymnastics won't change them.
I have provided multiple sources for my information and all you have provided for your claims are attempts to change the subject. I wonder which of us people will believe?Your concerns for rape victims are needed in Puntland.
Take it there instead of spreading information that you know is false.
What’s her socials ?His daughter is now an internet karma goes around
war ma gaal baa tahay? how can you bring the nabi scw into this? he might be your adeer but dont get too carried away man was on the run. what innocent man runs away like that? allow it famAUN SANGUUB.
If he is a child rapists so is our Xabib Nabi Maxamed.
War Allah ka cabsada. You cant defame a man based on a females claim without evidence
u wanna see my cock?Can we discuss how his son and daughter are both gay?
What's with Ogadens being homosexuals?
First it was the sumaya the transgender, Queen salena who was a man but not turned into a woman, Singub's son who's gay, Singub's daughter who's a butch lesbian and married a white woman.
Now I know why Ogadens are abusive to women, **ss* envy bastards, they secretly wish that they were women.
I wouldn't be surprised if @Ferrari is actually gay.
I don't want to see your women hating thing.u wanna see my cock?
if I show you, miyaad iga hadhi?
you keep following me like a hungry wild dog.![]()
it's bigger than you probably saw from your effeminate mj husband.I don't want to see your women hating thing.
How come all the men in your clan are turning into gay? Jiljileec bastards.
Keep following you? This is the first time I've mentioned your peasant ass, Naga fuuq. Nacala doqonki Ogadenka tahay kuyaal.
So now you're also thinking about MJ men's private parts? La xawla. You need help. The obsession is's bigger than you probably saw from your effeminate mj husband.
ask nicely, and i'll let you see it.![]()
I couldn’t believe I read that either...anyway, I automatically believe anyone who says someone molested them as a child, especially a somali person since their is even more an element of shame.Laa xawla wa laa quwwata illa billah. How dare you equate our beloved prophet with this child rapist and adulterer? You have put a man that you've never even met above your religion. Think about what you just said and return to Allah immediately.
There is a mountain of evidence against this man including a voice recording of him admitting the crime. I can tell that you did not read past the thread title. Actually read the OP and you will understand the gravity of the sin that you have just committed.