Main chick vs side chick

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@Geeljire sanbuur I acknowledge that maybe the hikmah(wisdom) that men were allowed to be polygamous in faith is because of their nature.HOWEVER GOD HAS SET DAMN RULES , WHY MAKE IT HARAAM, WHY OBJECTIFY WOMEN BY ONLY MENTIONING THEIR SEXUAL ASSET FOR YOU,WHY CHEAT ON WOMEN (that is if you are in haram relationships),WHY NOT TREAT WIVES EQUALLY. Relationships are more than the bedroom bruv :(
It’s disturbing how you only discuss sex, relationships are not only about lust.
Good point i only disscuss sex because its the only thing that has brought us together in a relationship. We dont really give a f*ck about eachother were just sexually attracted to eachother you may grow to be attracted to a girls personality but its highly unlikely never loved a girl never will. She may be a nice girl but its not gonna stop me from going after what Allah created me for. And thats reproducing my harem isnt for my pleasure its my natural needs. I need it as much i need food, water and oxygen. I have many brothers to chill and talk to i dont find girls backbiting and gossip fun to hear. Its just part of the headache i go through to fulfill my sexual needs. It may sound morally wrong to you but your a girl not a man so you wont feel me but i know the mandem relate sorry girls i can pretend to care and love you but its never genuine.
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Good point i only disscuss sex because its the only thing that has brought us together in a relationship. We dont really give a f*ck about eachother were just sexually attracted to eachother you may grow to be attracted to a girls personality but its highly unlikely never loved a girl never will. Shee may be nice girl but its not gonna stop me from from going after what Allah created me for and thats reproducing my harem isnt for my pleasure its my natural needs i need it as much i need food, water and oxygen. I have many brothers to chill and talk to i dont find girls backbiting and gossip fun to hear. Its just part of the headache i go through to fulfill my sexual needs. It may sound morally wrong to you but your a girl not a man so you wont feel me but i know the mandem relate sorry girls i can pretend to care and love you but its never genuine.
You’re right mate, we were created all men or women with a desire for one another. But in my opinion, the reason as to which we abstain from premarital sex and seperate the genders and the reason that we have guidelines about relationships is so that Allah spares our lust for someone you truly love. You pretend to care and love, but not every man is like that. Those that keep their chastity and marry the wonan of their dreams get more fulfilment in their relationship than sexual intercourse. This is just my opinion, I think yours is of a typical westerner, if you don’t mind me asking have you gone through so many dating partners that you are sick of girls and only seek courtship?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Nin wanaagsan ah?! LOL illaahay kabaq bala adabyahoow. Aabaheegi wuu kuu dharbaaxi lahaa. No sane Somali woman would want to be with your ass.

@sophisticate why are there people like this on sspot. Exterminate them like cockroaches please.
:yacadiim: The lines between trolling and reality are blurred with him. Roaches are class acts. He's acts more like a protozoa.
You’re right mate, we were created all men or women with a desire for one another. But in my opinion, the reason as to which we abstain from premarital sex and seperate the genders and the reason that we have guidelines about relationships is so that Allah spares our lust for someone you truly love. You pretend to care and love, but not every man is like that. Those that keep their chastity and marry the wonan of their dreams get more fulfilment in their relationship than sexual intercourse. This is just my opinion, I think yours is of a typical westerner, if you don’t mind me asking have you gone through so many dating partners that you are sick of girls and only seek courtship?
My friend there was a time when i too belived in these fairytales of romeo and juliet. I thought one day ill have a little wifey like juliet who looks after me and gives me much love. But then i went through puberty and met many girls who arent nothing like julie. I realised girls are too selfish and fake there love for me. It took me many heartbreaks for me to finally say f*ck girls ill never show a girl love. Now i am emotionless i just keep sidetings not relationships or courtships. Its much more stressfree and easier. Im not saying anyone should follow my road if a wifey makes you happy go follow that road.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Ladies stop shifting the blame on men if you have been cheated on before and you wernt married to the fella then your the one in the wrong for being in haraam relationship. You cant just say why do men cheat we dont cheat we just arent naturally built to stick with one women hence why Allah has made it halal for us to have four wives plus unlimited concubines. It is because we as men have a greater need to reproduce than women we are desperatley trying to spread our seeds far and wide. Women on the other hand were made to be with one man at a time hence why you get pregnant for 9months. We men can be loyal to one women it is possible for someone who isnt trying to spread his lineage across the world but its definetley impossible for someone whos on a mission to have as many sons as possible.
Loyalty isnt that hard its all about how disciplined you are and what you prioritze if someone doesnt prioritize their deen their wife and kid they Will see nothing wrong with seeing other girls thats why you see all this side chick main chick thing because its a big thing in the African American community

Youre wrong Allah has Made it Halal to have 4 wives But no such thing as unlimited concubines if you have kids youre supposed to invest in their education and future not be fulfilled with having as many kids as possible thats just stupid
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