Makhir What Is Their Issue?


I don't know why their such hostility by Makhir people like Kilwe on Facebook towards Puntland? Your region is allocated one of the biggest project the El Dahir to Erigavo road, you were allocated a brand spanking new university with the intention to turn Badhan into an eduction hub for all Somalis, you were supposed to build a student housing zone for students across the nation and also provide industry and global accreditation and certification for the studies delivered there so your certificates means something locally or globally.

You guys also got a smooth gravel road from dhahar to Sherbi road plus Dhahar to Xingalol gravel road, you got khat farms and other farms working for you plus gold mining. Why ruin this?

Well don't cry but watch the smart dashishe thru Senator Jurile will turn waciye into a technical institute hub which it's development has already begun and they will also provide the certification recognition locally and globally plus a student housing precinct for students across the nation seeking a skill to earn income.

I think the warsangeli people blame other clans for their own clan failures. Calling out @Dhiirane

I was once told Somalidu barwaqada Iyo nabada bay ku kibraan like we saw with the rebel movement against siyad barre and I witness the same with lots of clans in PL the same behaviour.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

I don't know why their such hostility by Makhir people like Kilwe on Facebook towards Puntland? Your region is allocated one of the biggest project the El Dahir to Erigavo road, you were allocated a brand spanking new university with the intention to turn Badhan into an eduction hub for all Somalis, you were supposed to build a student housing zone for students across the nation and also provide industry and global accreditation and certification for the studies delivered there so your certificates means something locally or globally.

You guys also got a smooth gravel road from dhahar to Sherbi road plus Dhahar to Xingalol gravel road, you got khat farms and other farms working for you plus gold mining. Why ruin this?

Well don't cry but watch the smart dashishe thru Senator Jurile will turn waciye into a technical institute hub which it's development has already begun and they will also provide the certification recognition locally and globally plus a student housing precinct for students across the nation seeking a skill to earn income.

I think the warsangeli people blame other clans for their own clan failures. Calling out @Dhiirane

I was once told Somalidu barwaqada Iyo nabada bay ku kibraan like we saw with the rebel movement against siyad barre and I witness the same with lots of clans in PL the same behaviour.
Why aren't you telling the full story

We made Maakhir University before PL in 2007, it was realized by a UK based Reer Saalax man called Xaaji Shirwac who's got connection with the Kuwaitis.



Let him cook
I don't know why their such hostility by Makhir people like Kilwe on Facebook towards Puntland? Your region is allocated one of the biggest project the El Dahir to Erigavo road, you were allocated a brand spanking new university with the intention to turn Badhan into an eduction hub for all Somalis, you were supposed to build a student housing zone for students across the nation and also provide industry and global accreditation and certification for the studies delivered there so your certificates means something locally or globally.

You guys also got a smooth gravel road from dhahar to Sherbi road plus Dhahar to Xingalol gravel road, you got khat farms and other farms working for you plus gold mining. Why ruin this?

Well don't cry but watch the smart dashishe thru Senator Jurile will turn waciye into a technical institute hub which it's development has already begun and they will also provide the certification recognition locally and globally plus a student housing precinct for students across the nation seeking a skill to earn income.

I think the warsangeli people blame other clans for their own clan failures. Calling out @Dhiirane

I was once told Somalidu barwaqada Iyo nabada bay ku kibraan like we saw with the rebel movement against siyad barre and I witness the same with lots of clans in PL the same behaviour.
Puntland has domestic budget of around 100 million. you also have thousands of govt employes. soldiers, police, judges. ministers, workers on payroll. you cant really do anything with that kind of money for how large and spread out state is and how bloated govt is. thats why seeing major infrastructure project take so long and so rare. the rest of puntland budget covered by aid which is not consistent and varies quite a bit year to year.

govt options is to slash the overhead by drastically reducing federal employees and spend money on tangible things like Capital projects. 2nd option is to raise more money and doubt that happens without a lot more economic activity, which ties back to lack of electricity, roads, etc..


Puntland has domestic budget of around 100 million. you also have thousands of govt employes. soldiers, police, judges. ministers, workers on payroll. you cant really do anything with that kind of money for how large and spread out state is and how bloated govt is. thats why seeing major infrastructure project take so long and so rare. the rest of puntland budget covered by aid which is not consistent and varies quite a bit year to year.

govt options is to slash the overhead by drastically reducing federal employees and spend money on tangible things like Capital projects. 2nd option is to raise more money and doubt that happens without a lot more economic activity, which ties back to lack of electricity, roads, etc..

PL is only taxing vehicles and port and it's very low fees also, the lowest in the nation by far, their are much more taxable areas which are not even taxed which I disagree with strongly, lots of ppl want to operate in PL but they don't want to pay their fair share of taxes which is unsustainable in the long term and the aid organisations are not stupid and know the govt can collect enough revenues to support itself, infact it requires now they pay 40% minimum of any project undertaken so it's co pay aid not full aid in PL, which doesn't happen anywhere else in Somalia which is full aid.


Let him cook
PL is only taxing vehicles and port and it's very low fees also, the lowest in the nation by far, their are much more taxable areas which are not even taxed which I disagree with strongly, lots of ppl want to operate in PL but they don't want to pay their fair share of taxes which is unsustainable in the long term and the aid organisations are not stupid and know the govt can collect enough revenues to support itself, infact it requires now they pay 40% minimum of any project undertaken so it's co pay aid not full aid in PL, which doesn't happen anywhere else in Somalia which is full aid.
Taxes low but people already in survival mode doubt they want their hard earned money spent on bureaucrats salary.




Unserious people, they're shouting makhir through the rooftops now because waa ku xumayn reer khaatumo. Dhinac puntland bey rabaan inay wax ka helaan, marka kalena waxay ku leyihiin puntland ma nihin maakhir baynu nahay. Aniga waxaan oran lahaan both dhulbahante and warsangeli waa inn layska ceeriyo, take back the 26 xildhibaans we give them, take away VP/gudoomiyaha barlamaanka Ect,. If these guys are adamant on forming their little states(ceerigaabo to badhan and oog to boocame) let them. Tol baynu nahay yes, if idoor come we come to back them, but when it comes to state building put your money where your mouth is lil bro(dh/warsan)
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Why aren't you telling the full story

We made Maakhir University before PL in 2007, it was realized by a UK based Reer Saalax man called Xaaji Shirwac who's got connection with the Kuwaitis.

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I know what's going on inside warsangeli I know the dude faysal hawar who was responsible for that university project and I know his lil brother πŸ˜‚ he told me due to warsangeli beef and everyone claiming it, they haven't been able to realise it's full potential which it was intended to be the academic hub of all Somalis, but like I said watch the smart dashishe who will turn that technical institute hub into a hub for all Somalis seeking technical skills to develop an income.

Their gonna make sure every skill taught has global and local industry recognition which will force Somalis to use it because they can earn money anywhere globally with a waciye technical institute certification, big companies globally will be like hey we only recognize waciye technical skill institute before U try to apply for work visas plus their setting up the accommodation facilities for students and PL govt works with any community tashday without internal squabble don't blame your internal issues on PL, it won't get u anywhere as dhulbahante saw for 15 years since 2007, but when they united, then we all saw the glorious mission of goojacade.


I know what's going on inside warsangeli I know the dude faysal hawar who was responsible for that university project and I know his lil brother πŸ˜‚ he told me due to warsangeli beef and everyone claiming it, they haven't been able to realise it's full potential which it was intended to be the academic hub of all Somalis, but like I said watch the smart dashishe who will turn that technical institute hub into a hub for all Somalis seeking technical skills to develop an income.

Their gonna make sure every skill taught has global and local industry recognition which will force Somalis to use it because they can earn money anywhere globally with a waciye technical institute certification, big companies globally will be like hey we only recognize waciye technical skill institute before U try to apply for work visas plus their setting about the accommodation facilities for students and PL govt works with communities tashday without internal squabble don't blame your internal issues on PL, it won't get u anywhere as dhulbahante saw for 15 years since 2007, but when they united, then we all saw the glorious mission of goojacade.
Dr Leave these niggas alone, let them do their thing. Dashisha hala eego iyo wax kale haku soo xero galin. These guys want maakhir let them have it, the other guys want khaatumo let them have. Dhad ku rabin layskuma xoq xoqo


Dr Leave these niggas alone, let them do their thing. Dashisha hala eego iyo wax kale haku soo xero galin. These guys want maakhir let them have it, the other guys want khaatumo let them have. Dhad ku rabin layskuma xoq xoqo

I disagree strongly and why my family joined Abdullahi Yusuf camp of Hartis unity politically, economically, socially, and territorially, dal burbursan where qabyalad is the rule of law not institutions or good governance, it's absolute paramount until Somalia leaves this zoo thinking and adopt agreements based on somalinimo and their is institutions who oversee and enforce it with local and global confidence, till then wadanku was qabyalad and their is no justification to divide Harti.


I disagree strongly and why my family joined Abdullahi Yusuf camp of Hartis unity politically, economically, socially, and territorially, dal burbursan where qabyalad is the rule of law not institutions or good governance, it's absolute paramount until Somalia leaves this zoo thinking and adopt agreements based on somalinimo and their is institutions who oversee and enforce it with local and global confidence, till then wadanku was qabyalad and their is no justification to divide Harti.
Your point makes no sense and is antithetical to the main question you posed in the thread. You mention Harti unity and qabyaalad is the rule of law in the same sentence, Kilwe and the likes show hostility towards PL due to qabyaalad. Tell a dhulbahante that khatuumo matihid Puntland baa tahay and watch how he responds. You're right, qabyaalad is the rule of law and these niggas want to be ruled by their own qabil not a Majeerteen, its why reer Maakhir wont consider joining with Khaatumo, having Firdhiye as their president and potentially taking VP there. Puntland waxay uu furantahay beelaha raba Puntland(Leelkase ect). Dhad na rabin maxayn isku waalaynaa. Let them go Dr, Bari, Nugaal iyo North Mudug inaga badan.
Somalis need to understand no clan wants or accepts second class status in another clans enclave. They rather have their own tuulo enclave as a state, even small clan with a population of only 10k wants that.
The only solution to this is to abandon clan politics in states for all the clans in that state.
Like no seat allocation based on clans and also restrict officials clan identity, their clan identity should be as anonymous as possible, no camera interviews unless it's necessary.
Only then will clans feel they belong to the place and are not second class citizen tho they're in their own Deegaan.
Now many clans feel they are second class citizens, while living in their own towns where they've been living for centuries.

It should be normal a Deshiishe man becoming the Mayor of Garowe, the MP representing Qardho or Eyl, a Warsangeli woman representing Galkacyo as long as they live in the place.

The way federal states are now structured is a receipt for disaster.
Only a party system where clan doesn't play any role is the only solution.
Warsangeli, Dashiishe, or Madhibaan should feel that they own Puntland as much as Mjs do.
They need to feel they can become president or anything in the State.
Else they'll always desire to have their own enclave and be the president and everything else in the enclave, even if that means a Tuulo state.
That's the rules of a clan system.

Have you ever watched tiktok lives where people argue about federal states?
Clans who are not the alpha clan in the state are asked questions like can you be the president of the state and are told meesha anagaa leh.
Someone with clan identity can't accept such a humiliating defeat, it's impossible.

Yusuf M

Somalis need to understand no clan wants or accepts second class status in another clans enclave. They rather have their own tuulo enclave as a state, even small clan with a population of only 10k wants that.
The only solution to this is to abandon clan politics in states for all the clans in that state.
Like no seat allocation based on clans and also restrict officials clan identity, their clan identity should be as anonymous as possible, no camera interviews unless it's necessary.
Only then will clans feel they belong to the place and are not second class citizen tho they're in their own Deegaan.
Now many clans feel they are second class citizens, while living in their own towns where they've been living for centuries.

It should be normal a Deshiishe man becoming the Mayor of Garowe, the MP representing Qardho or Eyl, a Warsangeli woman representing Galkacyo as long as they live in the place.

The way federal states are now structured is a receipt for disaster.
Only a party system where clan doesn't play any role is the only solution.
Warsangeli, Dashiishe, or Madhibaan should feel that they own Puntland as much as Mjs do.
They need to feel they can become president or anything in the State.
Else they'll always desire to have their own enclave and be the president and everything else in the enclave, even if that means a Tuulo state.
That's the rules of a clan system.

Have you ever watched tiktok lives where people argue about federal states?
Clans who are not the alpha clan in the state are asked questions like can you be the president of the state and are told meesha anagaa leh.
Someone with clan identity can't accept such a humiliating defeat, it's impossible.
I prefer everyone to rule their own territory rather than ruling another man's territory. Because Somalis are retarded. They'll be happy so long as one of their guy is in office. But the minute he's out of office they'll become pissed off and become anti government. I've noticed this pattern in all Somalis.

Yusuf M

Your point makes no sense and is antithetical to the main question you posed in the thread. You mention Harti unity and qabyaalad is the rule of law in the same sentence, Kilwe and the likes show hostility towards PL due to qabyaalad. Tell a dhulbahante that khatuumo matihid Puntland baa tahay and watch how he responds. You're right, qabyaalad is the rule of law and these niggas want to be ruled by their own qabil not a Majeerteen, its why reer Maakhir wont consider joining with Khaatumo, having Firdhiye as their president and potentially taking VP there. Puntland waxay uu furantahay beelaha raba Puntland(Leelkase ect). Dhad na rabin maxayn isku waalaynaa. Let them go Dr, Bari, Nugaal iyo North Mudug inaga badan.
Absolutely, you can't force a group of people who don't want you to be part of your state. Like you said, Bari, Nugal, N. Mudug is more than enough. Lets redistribution the seats, wish everyone the best of luck and we move on from there.
My understanding was that the deni took the public money promised for the road because he needed money for his elections . That's why even though it's been several years it isn't even half way finished.


Absolutely, you can't force a group of people who don't want you to be part of your state. Like you said, Bari, Nugal, N. Mudug is more than enough. Lets redistribution the seats, wish everyone the best of luck and we move on from there.
aad iyo aad waa saad sheegtay, ha isku tashadaan and let them do their thing. The 26 other seats need to be redistributed to other loyal puntland clans.


True Puntlander
PL is only taxing vehicles and port and it's very low fees also, the lowest in the nation by far, their are much more taxable areas which are not even taxed which I disagree with strongly, lots of ppl want to operate in PL but they don't want to pay their fair share of taxes which is unsustainable in the long term and the aid organisations are not stupid and know the govt can collect enough revenues to support itself, infact it requires now they pay 40% minimum of any project undertaken so it's co pay aid not full aid in PL, which doesn't happen anywhere else in Somalia which is full aid.
For you info, still there gobol not pay tax.
Absolutely, you can't force a group of people who don't want you to be part of your state. Like you said, Bari, Nugal, N. Mudug is more than enough. Lets redistribution the seats, wish everyone the best of luck and we move on from there.

I prefer returning to Majeerteenia over anything else, but with a democracy, not a Monarch. I genuinely don't care if non-MJs exit, I see it as a gift.