Makhir What Is Their Issue?

I prefer returning to Majeerteenia over anything else, but with a democracy, not a Monarch. I genuinely don't care if non-MJs exit, I see it as a gift.
Everybody acts as if MJ majority cities have proper electrical grids, sewage systems, factories and world class universities. Where do these people live ? 90% development is done by local businessmen and community "iskaa wax uqabso". Warsangeli have invested in Bosaso and neglected Sanaag just like a lot of reer bari have neglected Caluula & Qandala for example. The taxes collected cover the government employees, PSF until the last year was funded by USAfricom & PMPF is funded by the UAE. PL wasn't even get it's proper share of International AID for the last decade and a half. FGS has a had a blockade on PL for the last two years.
If Maakhir wants to be the new kid on the block like SSC aight. If they think twerking for HSM will get them anything then so be it. Nin waliba ha fuulo xiniinyihiisa oo ha is bixiyo.
Plenty of clans in PL that are very loyal with little to no representation will now get a chance.