Malcolm X DESTROYS #BlackLivesMatter

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:chrisfreshhah: You call Dr Ben Carson a "House negro". Guess who came up with that term. It was Malcom X and he doesn't even agree with you guys.
MX is not even alive, you loon. :donkey::uCkf6mf:

That is irrelevant :comeon: wether he is alive or not makes no difference. His beliefs Politics.Ideas are all recorded for everyone to hear.

He speaks against BLM policies and ideologies. Preaches against thise victimhood ,entitlement and dependency. The total opposite of what Liberals & BLM do today

His policies are not that Dr.Ben Carsons policies for Black community is very much the same.:camby:
Wow, that white liberal stuff is still relevant 50 years later. :/

Yeah that black liberal stuff is still relevant 50years later.

Dunno why people are so poisoned by truths that contradict their view.

Won't stop idiots from championing a dead guy who would oppose them.
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