Man caught trying to sneak into women's section of mosque wearing niqab

@Keep it a boqol You’re arguing with a wall. Alot of Xalimos in SSpot are atheists. They like to cope with their secular takes. Dont even bother you’re better off not arguing.
Who’s atheist here? Cuz I’m not. Why does it upset y’all when women tell you what they experience. I think some of you need to learn the way of empathy/compassion instead of being dismissive and argumentative. Maybe start with prophet Muhammad saw actions and teachings. It’s Ramadan after all, the last 10 days especially. What a good way to start.
Who’s atheist here? Cuz I’m not. Why does it upset y’all when women tell you what they experience. I think some of you need to learn the way of empathy/compassion instead of being dismissive and argumentative. Maybe start with prophet Muhammad saw actions and teachings. It’s Ramadan after all, the last 10 days especially. What a good way to start.
You never answered the question. What was the assailants ethnicity?


Can someone repost the link it's not showing
It was a video of a person in a niqab being surrounded by a crowd and then someone takes the niqab off and underneath is a whole bidaar man like a scooby doo clip

Like I said hop on the TTC and wear a bikini or super revealing clothes. People will be gawking at you trying to see more often then a niqab.

Idk why it’s hard for you to understand @caanoshaah . Just because people will look at covered shows that covering doesn’t work let’s throw it away is flawed
The act of xijaab is meant as a prevention measure, what is also a prevention measure is the command to all yall" Laa Taqaribuu AlZinaa Innahuu Kaana Faaxishatan WaSaaaaa'a Sabiilaa" == "Don't even Get Close To The Zinaa, Indeed It Is An Immorality And Evil of A Way!"
In this case the woman has done her job in wearing the xijaab and minding her business, the issue is with the man who feels the need to gawk at the woman. They should be promoting more naafil soon and earlier marriages for these mans rather than let the issue fester

Walaalayaal this isn't "secular takes" this is calling out xaaraan and munkar

