Mandela Effect

Omar del Sur

Wow what an eye opener. Great to see a brother in islam. Blood is thicker than water but deen is thicker than blood we're family in islam.

wallahi I find Muslims from other ethnic backgrounds more relatable than the kaffirs of own ethnic group... I don't hate my own culture but Islam at the end of the day is more important... for me, any Muslim from anywhere is a brother to me... to me that is what matters...


Pretend there is a title here
wallahi I find Muslims from other ethnic backgrounds more relatable than the kaffirs of own ethnic group... I don't hate my own culture but Islam at the end of the day is more important... for me, any Muslim from anywhere is a brother to me... to me that is what matters...
Ngl u weird af for that, connecting with a non somali over a somali is crazy

Garaad diinle

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Islam is not an ethnoreligion so idk where u going w this
Islam for almost a thousand years now has fused and integrated into the somali identity. It's an inseparable part of our culture and our way of life. Rejecting islam is rejecting not only a big part of the somali identity but also the most important part of our identity. If we were arabs you'd be excused since there is a long standing tradition of christian arabs but somalis as far as our identity and history is concerned it all began with islam. Somali ethnicity is synonymous with islam.
Islam is not an ethnoreligion so idk where u going w this
Somalinimo and Islam go hand in hand; if they didn't, you guys wouldn't have to hide being a murtad from your own family and the Somali community. You know I'm right; if you were open about being a murtad, your own family would reject you. Cope nigga :drakekidding:


Pretend there is a title here
Islam for almost a thousand years now has fused and integrated into the somali identity. It's an inseparable part of our culture and our way of life. Rejecting islam is rejecting not only a big part of the somali identity but also the most important part of our identity. If we were arabs you'd be excused since there is a long standing tradition of christian arabs but somalis as far as our identity and history is concerned it all began with islam.
I get where you are coming from and its understandable too. But Somalis existed before islam and will forever exist without Islam.
Just because religion has been an integral part of our history, doesnt mean our ethnicity is now decided by our religion

I am Somali regardless if I´m buddhist for a day or turn shia the other day .
I get where you are coming from and its understandable too. But Somalis existed before islam and will forever exist without Islam.
Just because religion has been an integral part of our history, doesnt mean our ethnicity is now decided by our religion

I am Somali regardless if I´m buddhist for a day or turn shia the other day .
But most people wouldn't consider you somali and you will be outcasted.
Wouldn't give you their daughters so you would have to marry non somali and your children will just be someone with somali DNA.

Garaad diinle

 
I get where you are coming from and its understandable too. But Somalis existed before islam and will forever exist without Islam.
Just because religion has been an integral part of our history, doesnt mean our ethnicity is now decided by our religion

I am Somali regardless if I´m buddhist for a day or turn shia the other day .
I don't think i can convince you otherwise so i guess will agree to disagree on this point. Just keep in mind the very basic values of somali culture how they dress and how they act modestly is completely derived from islam. If one would say or act unilslamicly he would be also acting in a non somali way. Our vocabulary and prayers is also derived from islam.

Ethnic identity isn't absolute some people might get assimilated while others might get their identity wiped from the earth. There are somalis of arab origin that compeletly assimilated into somali society and lost their original arab identity. If a half somali who look fully white doesn't speak somali dresses in a non somali way act in a non somali way would he still be considered somali simply because he inherited the y haplogroup from his paternal line? Where do we draw the line. Somali identity is much more the blood linage or even looks.


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
Islam for almost a thousand years now has fused and integrated into the somali identity. It's an inseparable part of our culture and our way of life. Rejecting islam is rejecting not only a big part of the somali identity but also the most important part of our identity. If we were arabs you'd be excused since there is a long standing tradition of christian arabs but somalis as far as our identity and history is concerned it all began with islam. Somali ethnicity is synonymous with islam.
Our identity goes further than that, but yeah you’re correct. It’s like imagining that a Xabasha gives up Christianity. Unthinkable, just like a Somali leaving Islam.
This thread is for discuss the Mandela Effect.

Prior to the alterations that came due to the Mandela Effect:

-The book series was called "The Bernstein Bears". Never "Berenstain". Maybe "Berenstein".

-Latin America was positioned differently:

View attachment 248572

(it was A prior to the Mandela Effect- they will never fool me, I remember)

-Verses of the Bible were different. There was a famous verse in the king james version that used the word "wineskins". this changed to "bottles". there was a famous verse "the lion shall lay with the lamb". this changed to "the lion shall lay with the wolf".

Very many people do not talk about this. It is not commonly known and many are taught a false version that the Mandela Effect is only false memory. However, certain things were indeed altered. People are welcome to provide more examples. It bothers me how this isn't more well-known.

there are many other examples but I only listed some I know about and am certain of
Brazil is an entire timezone away!


Dont worry your not the only one thats gone a bit crazy over this whole mandela effect because me and my sisters also vividly remember it being beresntEin and not BerenstAin, I also remember pikatchu having a black tale but when I looked back at my vhs it was just yellow. Subhanallah. This is clearly shaytan works he could be using magic or maybe hes going back in time and erasing things who knows. However I don't believe in multiuniverse, it goes against our belief.
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