Manosphere takes another hit, another 'Old' woman engaged to a young Billionaire.

Exactly... a billionaire will marry a rich woman who is also beautiful. How can everyone else who is not a rich, beautiful, famous woman relate? Rich people marry rich people. I never denied that.

I believe white women have much better odds because that's what statistics show. They have a less harder time than other race of women in the west.

Of course Eve can get a rich man. She's EVE. You brought up examples of rich or famous beautiful women and tried to tell women here that they have some privilege when the stats show thats not true and most will be single forever with no options. Rich, beautiful nonwhite women will have no problems but they're not common in society.

Everything you said is true. So why is there the narrative that poor or average nonwhite women like the ones here will have options like rich, white or nonwhite women when most won't as shown in the stats? They don't. Most will not get married.
Because this has nothing to do with race, yet youโ€™re the one who brought it up. Any girl here who is attractive and makes an active choice to move in certain circles can catch one. Im sorry but a madow woman who is an Ivy League graduate working in tech spaces will catch an upper class husband vs a white woman who stays around her average lower class counterpart.
This right here.

They want to launch psychological warfare on non-White women, but it will be a cold day in hell, when a Somali woman lets some self hater tell her anything. He can't even tell me the sky is blue.
First it was woman over 35, but when you have Jeff Bezos dating a 55 yr old grandmother, itโ€™s kinda hard to mock older women. Then they went down the mock Bezos type of men route and call them beta when redpill men are funnily enough both feminine in nature and broke.

I mean who would a woman prefer, a billionaire who is happy to date age appropriate women or a broke man going on about being alpha? Itโ€™s a no brainer.

Now many of them have moved on to racism and racial hierarchy with non white women being their victims. Since theyโ€™ve witnessed that too many rich men are marrying older women, theyโ€™ve now decided to say that itโ€™s the only the case for white women. When we point out that some are indeed marrying non white women as well, now theyโ€™re pointing out thatโ€™s only the case for famous women or women who are in their proximity. This is something weโ€™ve always known. We know rich men arenโ€™t going to look around for a wife in the ghetto.

The thing is, redpill men canโ€™t help but pit women against each other. Thats their memo. Theyโ€™re either being ageist and now the new one is racial hierarchy.

Do I believe that the average Somali woman has a chance to be with a billionaire? Obviously not since most Somali women are Muslim and will stick to Islamic spaces, but the ones who are willing to rub shoulders like the Imaans and the Fatima Said types easily can.
Because this has nothing to do with race, yet youโ€™re the one who brought it up. Any girl here who is attractive and makes an active choice to move in certain circles can catch one. Im sorry but a madow woman who is an Ivy League graduate working in tech spaces will catch an upper class husband vs a white woman who stays around her average lower class counterpart.

I brought race because the OP was trying to put rich white famous women at the same level of poor or average nonwhite women and show they have the same options.

"Madow" educated women or white ones are the ones who have the highest single rates due to having the most unrealistic standards. Anyone will have options if they are realistic about what they can get. Its called supply and demand. The ones they're looking for have better options. Stats don't lie. There's plenty of well to do nonwhite women who are single and will always be because they think they have as many options as white women and that's not true.
I brought race because the OP was trying to put rich white famous women at the same level of poor or average nonwhite women and show they have the same options.

"Madow" educated women or white ones are the ones who have the highest single rates due to having the most unrealistic standards. Anyone will have options if they are realistic about what they can get. Its called supply and demand. The ones they're looking for have better options. Stats don't lie. There's plenty of well to do nonwhite women who are single and will always be because they think they have as many options as white women and that's not true.
Madow educated women are single because there isnโ€™t enough of their men on their level and many donโ€™t like dating interracially. I know itโ€™s a hard pill for you to swallow and itโ€™s easier for you to blame the requirements of madow women when statistics which is what you claim to value shows that madow men arenโ€™t as educated and have higher rates of incarceration more than any other group. So of course the pool for black men will be lower for black women compared to a white woman that wants to date within her ethnic group.

The madow women who are successful that do marry white arenโ€™t even that prettier compared to the average madow woman, they have simply widened their pool. In fact the ones who marry cadaan successful men tend to have the worst wigs and itโ€™s a running meme at this point.
Madow educated women are single because their isnโ€™t enough of their men on their level and many donโ€™t like dating interracially. The madow women who are successful that do marry white arenโ€™t even that pretty, they have simply widened their pool. In fact the ones who marry cadaan successful men tend to have the worst wigs and itโ€™s a running meme at this point.

Other race of men don't normally consider other races of women.
Other race of men don't consider nonwhite except for maybe Asian. It's rare.
There are enough high profile madow women who look straight up average to me married to successful men.

Most people prefer their own, thatโ€™s a fact but to act like a madow woman canโ€™t attract a decent husband if she goes out of her way to put herself in those environments is literally your racist bias talking.
This right here.

They want to launch psychological warfare on non-White women, but it will be a cold day in hell, when a Somali woman lets some self hater tell her anything. He can't even tell me the sky is blue.

Were you not complaining the other day that mixed Somalis should be considered Somali?

There are enough high profile madow women who look straight up average to me married to successful men.

Most people prefer their own, thatโ€™s a fact but to act like a madow woman canโ€™t attract a decent husband if she goes out of her way to put herself in those environments is literally your racist bias talking.

Only 4% of married black women have married white men.

The internet is full of successful black women complaining they can't get commitment and who say non black men aren't interested either. You should check out r/blackladies who constantly complain about having no interest from even men they see as beneath them. It's the same for black diaspora women.
Were you not complaining the other day that mixed Somalis should be considered Somali?

Only 4% of married black women have married white men.

The internet is full of successful black women complaining they can't get commitment and who say non black men aren't interested either. You should check out r/blackladies who constantly complain about having no interest from even men they see as beneath them. It's the same for black diaspora women.
Yes and the majority of them are not into IR dating.
They keep talking about women 'hitting the wall', but every day we see new examples of this falsehood. A falsehood that exists solely into scaring women into settling for bullshit and sticking around for it.

47 year old rich woman, engaged to the 34 year old son of a Nigerian Billionaire.
She's also divorced and has children

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More examples of older women, who have children from previous marriages who are engaged to the wealthiest men on earth;

  • Huma Abedin, 49, engaged to the son of George Soros, the Billionaire, aged 38. Also divorced with children.
  • Jeff Bezos 60 year old, richest man on earth, fiance Lauren, 54 years old. Also has child/ren from a previous relationship.

I'm sure there are plenty more we don't even know about.

Don't even get me started on those young athletes who are dating, engaged or married to older women.

Long story short, don't listen to bullshit and look after yourselves ladies.
heโ€™s a son of a nigerian billionaire lol, sheโ€™s the catch i bet his father has at least 10 kids
I don't like the manosphere hot take about how dating Is awesome for 30+ year old niggas.

I've said it on here before but this only seems to apply to successful male bachelor's. So like your engineer's, doctors, lawyers, finance bros, and business men.Your avg 30+ year old working class man won't have a great dating pool compared to these guys.
Plus most of these successful bachelors usually prefer to date women around their only age.

After a certain age though most of these older bachelors just start viewing young women as sugar baby material.

We have a lot of 30-50+ men like this

Just losers walking around who can only get low tier women.

Most of passport bros are guys like this. They can't pull decent good looking women. So they fly overseas to get them for cheap.
If I was a gaalo and was this guy looking like that doing what heโ€™s doing spending money on bishes online its game over. Iโ€™m Hadoukenโ€™n myself

