"Chased you.." maybe you chased me in your dreams miyaa... What's this weird fantasies you have of me, shegato girl?!
You think blabbering diarrheas on this forum is people's priorities miyaa?! As I said before, I debate with grownups on audio chatrooms instead of wasting my precious time on ignoble say wallahi kids like yourself.
If you're an actual puntite then you'll accept my challenge. Else you're sheegato, full stop.
Look here, you Kacaanist fossil. We don't deal with 'abtiris', because anyone can find that online, or like I said, force it out of a miskeen ayeeyo. We deal with identities, and like I said, I'm sending some MJ men your way, and I will give SSPOT the greatest gift ever, by livestreaming it.